Visma Nmbrs Mobil - Uppdateringar
Kända Fel
- [user templates] Dashboard editor doesn't load (Solved 29-01-2021)
- [SE Time registration] Can't register hours in the calendar (Solved 2020-06-02)
- [Maintenance] Nmbrs temporarily offline (solved on 28-02-2020)
- [Company contact person] company contact not visible on company level
- [Holiday Year Transit] Incorrect Entitled Vacation Days for employees with a different labour agreement
- [Hamburgermenu} Menu is empty and can't be hidden
Visma Nmbrs Updateringar
- Global Update Notes 13-04-2022
- Global Update Notes 30-03-2022
- Global Update Notes 23-03-2022
- Global Update Notes 16-03-2022
- Global Update Notes 09-03-2022
- Global Update Notes 02-03-2022
- ★ SEPA-bankfil ISO20022/pain.001
- Stopped integrations based on Nmbrs API v2.1
- Nmbrs Sverige Ändringar 2022
- Upcoming changes in our password policy from March 25
- Exportinställningar anställd
- Nmbrs Sverige ändringar 2021