Global Update Notes 09-02-2022

We just finished the update of 09-02-2022.


Signals more efficient and stable

Multiple improvements were done regarding the performance of the signal generation and sending. Now they are all sent before working hours. The process has also been redesigned, to allow pausing and restarting without causing duplication of signals.

Solved bugs

Social security % adjusted for employees from India working in Sweden

The social securities are 19,33% if company level ‘Wage tax settings’ → ‘Company without permanent establishment in Sweden= False’.
The social securities are 7,71% if company level ‘Wage tax settings’ → ‘Company without permanent establishment in Sweden= True’.

Searchbar disappears when adding a fixed wage component

Now the searchbar is back and customers are able to search for the wage components again.

Departments with duplicate names

It's no longer possible to create departments with the same name.

Community sign-in directly from Nmbrs not working properly

This has been fixed.


Knowledge base