Global Update Notes 03-11-2021

We just finished the update of 03-11-2021.

New features

Compensation hours and flex time on payslip

It's now possible to show the compensation hours and flex time on the payslip. You need to enable this in the salary document settings first.

Employees 'sent from India'

Employees 'sent from India' have a different social security agreement, which we now support. You can specify this in the employee wage tax settings. Next to the option 'sent from India', you also need to set the ‘Contract duration': 6-12 months' or ‘More than 1 year’.


Name & address overview: filter for employee type added

This report now has a filter per employee type. And we fixed two issues: type 'New hire' was added and we now also show employees without service interval, since employee types 'Applicant' & 'Rejected applicant' don't have this at start.

Import/update: timely error when job title exceeds max. amount of characters

A file that contains job titles with more than 50 characters passed the validation before the import or update, but would lead to an error afterwards. From now on, the validation before the import or update will inform users if the job title exceeds the maximum amount of characters.

Import/update: max. 1000 rows

To reduce the risk of performance issues, we have set a limit to the import/update file of a 1000 rows. The validation before the import or update will show an error message if the file exceeds the maximum amount of rows.

Employee dashlet: payslips

On employee level, the payslips per run and per period had a makeover. Also we now show the latest three payslips.

Solved bugs

Error in salary document Gross to Net

The 'Gross to net' salary document gave an error when an employee was not included in all periods for the run. This is fixed.

Sickness (M1004): overlapping month

If an employee is sick for exactly 14 calendar days in one month (the 1-14 days calculation) and sick all days of the next month, we deducted on calendar days. Now we deduct the entire month.

Svenskt Näringsliv: api key

It's now again possible to add an api key for the Svenskt Näringsliv export.

Dutch options in bank account section employee

Some Dutch bank account types were visible in Swedish environments; that is no longer the case. Also, the correct translations were applied for the remaining bank account types.

Field 'Country of birth' not in New employee wizard

The New employee wizard did not contain field 'Country of birth'; this was not automatically filled in dashlet Personal info either. We replaced field 'Place of birth' with field 'Country of birth' in the Wizard and made that mandatory.


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