We just finished the update of 28-07-2021.
Token Company contact person
As requested on the Nmbrs Community, we added a token for the Company contact person. Visma Nmbrs only picks the default selected contact person.
In-app notification documents
Whenever a new document has been made available for an employee, an in-app notification will be shown whenever the employee logs into Visma Nmbrs. This is also the case when a debtor-level or company-level document has been made available to all employees.
Long and short date options for tokens
After this update, it is possible to choose whether a short date (01-08-2021) or a long date (1 augustus 2021) should be generate via the tokens. The default is the current, short date and that will still work if no changes are applied. See the wish on the community here.
Solved bugs
Employees list: Oops pages for Manager login
For some managers, navigating through the employee list was slow and even resulted in Oops pages in some cases. With this update we improved this.
HR Workflow bug fixes
A selection of bug fixes on the HR Workflow:
- The selected user stays visible again when moving a task
- Duplicated system HR workflows have been removed
- The action point pop-up has been fixed size-wise
- Manager logins don’t get errors when using action points
- Manager logins set correct dates again
- The table refreshes automatically when adding an action point
Loading of interactive payslip
Opening the interactive payslip could result in an infinite loading time, we now fixed this.
Payroll Workflow - Track status is not updated after triggering the planned task
Track status is now updated again after you trigger a planned task. No need to reload the page anymore.