Global Update Notes 05-09-2019

We just finished the update of 05-09-2019


Asynch calls

The performance of the following API calls are improved with this update: 

  • Reports_Accountant_EmployeeWageComponentsPerPeriod
  • Reports_Accountant_Company_WageComponentsPerPeriod
  • Reports_Business_Company_CompanyWageComponentsPerPeriod
  • Reports_Business_Company_CompanyWageComponentsPerRun


Schedule_GetList API call gives error 9999 unknown

An incorrect date was given to StartDate field, which ended with error 9999 unknown while trying to retrieve the schedules. This is fixed with this update.

Reports_Accountant_CompanySVWSettings changed XML tags CAOcode and riskgroup

By doing a refactor on this call, the structure of the call changed. From now on the call structure was adjusted to what it was before.

Employee missing in Journals Report (2018)

When an employee has a deleted department, it was not visible in journals report 2018. This is fixed with this update.

SE: Sickness calculation after 15 days

The sickness calculation is now correct for employee with a salary between 27687,50 and 31000 SEK.

Default employee & labour agreement

When creating a new employee based on a default employee with a different labour agreement than the company, the wrong settings were copied. With this update this is fixed. Now the correct settings are copied.


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