Global Update Notes 08-08-2019

We just finished the update of 08-08-2019


Nedsättning av arbetsgivaravgifter för unga

Starting form the 1th of august you pay less taxes for young employees (15 - 18 years). You pay 10,21 % (ålderspensionsavgiften (EN: the old-age pension contribution)) untill SEK 25.000 above that amount you pay the normal taxes.

More info:


Engångsbelopp när en anställd lämnar anställning

When an employee goes out of service the special tax rate (Engångsbelopp) in that period didn't take the pro-rata factor into account.

The calculation for the special tax rate is now G10007 * periods per year / pro rata factor + cumulative value of G10008.

Set password for new logins doesn't work

When a new login was being created, set new password wasn't working properly. From now on the validation flow is working again. Next to that, it was not possible to alter your password in the 'user profile' menu. This issue is resolved as well.


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