We just finished the update of 09-05-2019.
New menu in Nmbrs®
In the last update of Nmbrs® an improvement has been made to the menus.
What has changed?
1. A new element (the co-pilot) has been introduced on the Nmbrs® pages on the right, where even more useful apps will be visible.
To start with, this co-pilot already contains:
- the hamburger menu
- the active tasks assigned to the user
Every user can choose to have this co-pilot open or closed. Nmbrs® remembers this choice while navigating.
2. The accordion menu has disappeared.
More information about this improvement can be found in this news article.
Postal address in SEPA file
Some (international) banks will soon require the postal address of the ordering and the receiving party in the SEPA file. With this update, the address of both parties will now be included in the SEPA payment file.