We just finished the update of 24-04-2019.
New option in leave model for "same wage" principle: keep or pay out leftover leave days older than 5 years
We made it possible to keep or pay the leftover leave days which are older than 5 years. The default settings is "keep” and is now active for all the leave models. This setting can be changed to "pay out" if that is the desired behavior.
With the holiday year transit the days will be kept or paid depending on the chosen setting.
Period in journals when sending to Procountor
When sending journals to Procountor via the journal export, and the setting 'Payment in advance' is false, we now refer to the right period for the journals.
When you did the run of period 2 the journals is booked according to the 'Payment in advance' setting:
When the setting is false -» journal is booked in P3
When the setting is true -» journal is booked in P2