We just finished the update of 10-01-2019. With this update we fixed several things in the employee list, implemented an improvement and solved three bugs.
Functionality Active/Inactive in Employee list
In a short period, the Active / Inactive functionality will be improved in order to clear the meaning of it. Below you will find all the facts about this upcoming change:
- The Active / Inactive option will be moved to 'Employee Management' on master level, so will no longer be visible in the new Employee menu. So the meaning of this is kept: an active employee is still visible and workable in the company, where it belongs, but an inactive employee will no longer be accessible in the application.
- When employees are out of service in the application, and the total HR file has been completed, this type can be changed to 'Former Employee'. For now, this is still a manual adjustment where the vision is to automate this via the task app.
- In this way, managers have a clear picture of employees in-service and out of service. They can filter on the type of 'Payroll' and 'Former Employee'. When an employee has the status 'Former Employee', all details of this employee can still be viewed. The employee is therefore still 'accessible'.
- Nmbrs will implement a change whereby all employees in / out of service will get the status active again. We will then give employees who are out of service for longer than a (still to be determined) period, the type 'Former Employee'
Import/Export SE: allow import minutes employee schedule
In the past it used to be possible to set minutes for the employee schedule via an import (for example: 08:35). With this update we’ve made it possible again.
Too many dashlets
When a user account was set to the most minimum rights, it was still able to see the Time Registration and Hour Registration. When clicking on one of those, the option 'payslip' was also visible, resulting in an oops page when clicking on it. This bug is fixed so the functionalities are no longer visible when the rights are not set to it.
Download journals report to PDF broken
Whenever you try to download a journals reports to PDF, the application will blink but the download will not be executed. With this update, the download will be started again!
Import/Export SE: date format
The date format for the export (mm/dd/yyyy) did not match the date format for the import (dd/mm/yyyy). This could lead to wrong dates or an error, for example when copying an employee. From now on the import and export have the same date format (dd/mm/yyyy).
Known Issues
There were no known issues solved with this update, because there are no known issues at the moment.