We just finished the update of 05-12-2018. This update contains the following improvements and bug fixes.
Improvements and new features
Two new API Calls
Reservations_GetList (EmployeeService)
From now on, it's possible to get the reservations active for an employee via API.
SalaryDocuments_GetSEPA_Tax (Company Service)
With this API call, it's possible to get the wagetax SEPA file via API.
For more information, check out the API update notes.
Provided items
The provided items dashlet now has searchable dropdowns for the 'Type' and 'Item' fields.
SE| Social fiscal number adjusted
With the upcoming arbetsgivardeklaration på individnivå (AGI) it’s mandatory that the social fiscal number consists of 12 digits.
We adjusted the social fiscal numbers if they consists of 10 digits, we added the 19 (or in some cases the 20) upfront.
Employee marked as in-active
When employees were created via API, it was possible that they had the status 'in-active'. We recovered the wrong settings and changed the default so this won't happen again.