Global Update Notes 03-09-2020

We just finished the update of 03-09-2020. 

New Feature

Nmbrs® app: Apple ID

It is now possible to login with Apple ID into the mobile app.


Word Add-in available in Swedish

The Word Add-in was supported in Dutch and English only. From now on it's multi-lingual. With tonight's update, we added some Sweden specific tokens as well:

  • Organisationsnummer företag
  • Heltidsschema timmar/vecka

Swedish levels added for Education

When registering Education in Nmbrs®, there were Dutch levels showing in the Swedish application. These have been changed to the Swedish levels of Education.

HR Workflows Overview

As part of our improvements on the user interface & user experience of the HR Workflows, we've improved the Overview on the Home-page to show the progress already there, and specifically, show which HR Workflows are at risk of being delayed.

Nmbrs® app: open from other apps

It is now possible to open the Nmbrs ESS app through other apps. This means that app aggregators can make use of our own one.

Nmbrs® app: Swedish text revised

All Swedish text have been revised.

Password Conditions visible in mobile browser

When a mobile device is used to reset the Nmbrs® password, the square with the password rules was not visible, making it hard to know what the Nmbrs® password policy is. Now these conditions are also shown on a mobile device.

Solved bugs

Link HR Workflow not translated

The text for Link HR Workflow was not translated. This is now fixed by adding the correct Swedish description.

Not possible to go to an employee via the HR Workflow overview

Going to the employee directly from the HR Workflow overview was not working anymore. With the new design this is fixed.

Not possible to save an HR Manager user in the HR Workflow Settings

When saving a HR Manager user in the HR Workflow, it would ask to specify that user. This is not happening anymore.

Nmbrs® app: wrong password error

When you logged in with a password that was not accepted due to our password policy, a wrong error message would show. Now it starts the flow to change the password instead.

Nmbrs® app: dark mode created bugs

The app would not show some fields in dark mode as we don't support it. We have fixed it so that, independently from how you set it, the app shows the same (correct) user interface.

Nmbrs® app: expense declaration

The expense declaration page title was missing, but no longer: this has been fixed.
Also there was no loading symbol after submitting, which created some confusion. This is now in place, to provide a better user experience.

Nmbrs® app: rejected leave was showing for colleagues

A rejected leave request was nonetheless being shown as leave for colleagues, which created some confusion. This is no longer the case.

HR Documents: fields not filled

The fields hours / week and hours / period were not filled in the reports Headcount Department (period) & Headcount Company (period). We fixed that with this update. 

API: BankAccount_Insert and BankAccount_InsertCurrent

When adding a bank account via the API, the country is inserted according to the IBAN. However, in Sweden it's normal to add a bank account number only, without IBAN. In that case, the country cannot be deduced by the IBAN. From now on, SE | Sweden will be added as default then.



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