Global Update Notes 06-08-2020

We just finished the update of 06-08-2020. 


Wage tax (AGI) includes retroactive runs

When you create a retroactive run the AGI will include the corrections from previous periods, even if the changes didn't have an effect on the run output.
From now on we only send in corrections for employees with the wage tax (AGI) when there's a difference in the output.

New system HR Workflow for provided items

A new system HR Workflow has come to life! From now on, it's possible to cover the tasks around handing out keys, laptops, headsets in an HR Workflow. Everything an employees needs to do it's job, it can al be stored and processed in Nmbrs®.


Solved bugs

Time registration: Magic code moving or extending

Magic code moving or extending returns error message 'Unable to parse response'. It's possible again to move or extend a magic code through the time registration.

Time registration: Schedule hours

Error was displayed when clicking on the schedule hours in the time registration sheet. From now on no more error when opening the scheduled hours on employee level.

Fortnox integration can't access from admin login

Fortnox integration is now working in business environments.




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