Global Update Notes 16-07-2020

We just finished the update of 16-07-2020. 

New features

API: [v3] WageTax_Update_SE

This is a new call to update wage tax settings on employee level for our Swedish customers.

New validation for country specific calls

It is not always clear which API calls are available for each country. To provide a better experience, we created a new validation, that returns the message:

3001: This call is not available in your country

For example, Time Registration is currently available only in SE, therefore when an NL client tries to do this request, it will receive this error message.


API: [v3] TimeRegistration_Insert, TimeRegistration_Insert_Batch, TimeRegistration_GetAll_AllTimeRegistrationCodes, TimeRegistration_GetList and TimeRegistration_Delete

These calls contained multiple unnecessary fields, wrong validations and bad naming, therefore we refactored them all to be consistent with each other. With those changes, our clients can have a better and more intuitive experience when using our API.

API: [v2.1][v3]TimeSchedule_Insert and TimeSchedule_GetListByPeriod

It should be possible to add a 0-hour schedule, therefore we changed the call to enable it. To send a 0-hour schedule, the client needs to send empty slots on the insert and it will show accordingly on the get call.

HR workflow: decision task pop-up

Our new improvement on the HR Workflows (linking HR workflows to each other with decision tasks) has improved even more. Whenever a user has to make a decision in an HR Workflow, the pop-up now also handles these kinds of tasks, just like the menu on the right.

All task pop-ups

The tasks pop-ups were up for a new design, so we made them look a bit more modern and change the order of some fields while we were at it.

Housing benefit (Bostadsförmån)

You can now use wage codes L3102, L3103, L5301 and L5302 to handle housing benefit gross and net.

Combine Company Tax Settings with R&D and Temporarily Reduced Employers Contribution

It’s now possible to combine the Company Tax Settings ‘No Permanent Establishment in Sweden’ together with R&D and Temporarily Reduced Employer Contributions.

 Create SIE file with file name ending with .SI instead of .txt

The file name extension of the created SIE file has been changed from .txt to .SI.

Solved bugs

API: [v2.1][v3] BankAccount_Insert and BankAccount_InsertCurrent

In Sweden, there is no validation on the IBAN and bank account number. Therefore, we removed those checks from the API, so now it works exactly the same as in the webapp. This means that the IBAN is not required for SE and there is no validation on the bank account number.

HR workflow settings

Some minor bugs came up after the deployment of the new HR Workflow Linking feature.

  • It's possible now to start an inactive HR Workflow with a decision task. This is useful when certain HR Workflows are only supposed to be started by a signal e.g. and or only in a decision task and not show in the overview on employee-level.
  • The HR Workflow Assignee dropdown does not refresh anymore when de-activating an HR Workflow.
  • The HR Workflow Hire & Onboard task for the company car was redirecting to the wrong page, this is fixed now.
  • Asking for clarification in an HR Workflow would sometimes well, stop flowing. From now on, asking for clarification will make new tasks for the person to re-fill the form.

Mutation form: first day at work

In the First day at work mutation form, 'Province' was a required field. This field is now removed. In addition, the mobile number was a required field but didn't seem like one. This field now also shows as required.

Token $$$mutationFormMessage$$$ not working

In case a user wrote a comment in the mutation form, the token didn't show that message in the signal. This is now fixed.

Time Registration: not possible to change the start / end date

When you added a new entry in the Time Registration, it was not possible to change the start or end date in the pop up before saving the entry. The only solution was to delete the entry and create a new one. From now on it is possible to change the dates and/or time in the pop up before saving. 

Time Registration: entries for multiple months not visible for all months

When you added an entry in the Time Registration for multiple months, the entry was visible in the current month but not for the next month. This issue has been fixed.

Loading GL schema may result in 'Oops' page

This error occurred due to the big amount of wage codes selected, but has now been fixed.

'Oops' page when opening GL schema settings

This issue occurred when using a client login template, but has now been fixed.

Wage tax declarations sent in bulk stuck on 'Sent' if one of the declarations results in error

When wage tax declarations were sent in bulk and one of the declarations resulted in an error, the status for the correct wage taxe declarations would get stuck on "Sent" and never change to "Received". The link to the Skatteverket portal would not appear either. This has been solved.


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