Global Update Notes 06-11-2019

We just finished the update of 06-11-2019.


Filter change in 'Search employee'

Currently, the 'Search employee' functionality (top bar) is filtering employees by in/out of service. Since it makes more sense at that level to filter by employee type, we will change this accordingly in the next regular update.


Improved performance when creating/changing user account template

We made an improvement in the way a user account template is created or adjusted, so the page loads faster. 

Payslip popup

The layout of the payslip popup is improved, no more white space on the right side and you only see scrollbars when needed.

API calls

Journals_GetByRunCostCenterCostUnitPerYear (new)
The company service already contained the call Journals_GetByRunCostCenterCostUnit. With this, it was only possible to retrieve the data for the active year. This new call offers the possibility to filter the data by a chosen year.

WageTax_GetXML (improved)
We improved the performance of this call by optimizing the query that retrieves the data from the database.

New 'Previous' button in dashlets

A new button is now available in all dashlets that will take you directly to the previous page.


Changing type and company for employees

Previously you could change the type of an employee and the company via the employee list. This functionality is now fully integrated in the 'Employee settings' dashlet under the 'General' tab. In this dashlet you can now change the type of an employee and if an employee is not yet included in a run, also the company.


Solved bugs

Unable to delete import variable wage components company level

When deleting an import of variable wage components on company level, the import file was deleted but the added wage components on employee level were not. This has been fixed.

API calls

The call was returning more information than it should. Now that it's fixed, it will only return the accountant data.

On the response of this call, the DebtorId field of the XML always returned 0.  We identified the error and fixed it to return the correct DebtorId.

Availability of calls for template users
Some calls were unavailable for specific template users. We made a full review of the permissions and made sure that all our customers have access to the correct calls.




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