New menu in Nmbrs®

In the last update of Nmbrs® an improvement has been made to the menus.

What has changed?

1. A new element (the co-pilot) has been introduced on the Nmbrs® pages on the right, where even more useful apps will be visible. 

To start with, this co-pilot already contains:

  • the hamburger menu
  • the active tasks assigned to the user

Every user can choose to have this co-pilot open or closed. Nmbrs® remembers this choice while navigating. 

2. The accordeon menu has disappeared.

More information about how the Tasks and Workflows can be used optimally can be found here.

Why did we choose this?

After launching the hamburger menu, we received many positive comments about the possibility of being able to search on the content of the pages (for example, that it is possible to search by Function, visible on the Employment details page). In this way we want to make this possible at every level, not just employee and company. 

The tasks were in a somewhat hidden place. Because of this improvement, the tasks assigned to a user have a more visible place in Nmbrs®. Also tasks in the co-pilot can already be marked as done, or skipped.

The reason that the accordeon menu has disappeared because it is double compared to the hamburger menu, only it cannot be searched. In addition, this gives extra space on the page to display more information.

These changes apply to all users, at every level.


How does it look like?

Home page for an Administrator User with the Co-pilot collapsed


Detail page for an Administrator User with the Co-pilot open: 


Detail page for an employee searching for the option 'Bank account':

An example of the Co-Pilot with tasks assigned: 


Knowledge base