Lately we have been working behind the scenes to set up a new Nmbrs Community. A place where not only users, but also questions and answers about Nmbrs come together. We would like to tell you more in this news item.
- Why this new community?
- Are you in?
- How does it work and how do I get access?
- Who is registered as Functional owner?
- What will change?
Why this new community?
The purpose of this new community is to provide a platform where customers can share experiences, tips and questions from practice with each other. In addition to the community part, space has also been created for the 'Product ideas', which are currently being placed on the Knowledge Base.
When setting up the new community, we naturally took into account all current wishes and transferred these, including the number of votes, to the new community. This means that the structure of the past years has not been lost.
With this community we want to offer customers a place where they can share (with each other) knowledge about Nmbrs. By sharing this knowledge, we want to create a better customer and product experience.
Are you with us?
In the course of next week we will release a login for all Application Managers registered in Nmbrs. This email will look like this:
The link in the email will lead to the page where you can create a username & password:
How does it work and how do I get access?
This week we invited all application managers registered in Nmbrs to activate their login in the Community. They can then grant access to colleagues by sending them an invitation. You can read how this works in the article that we have included in the community. This describes all options in the community, including giving access to colleagues. Once you have an account, you can consult it via: How do I use the Nmbrs Community?
After activating your account, you can now log in to the community via Single Sign On. You do not have to enter your details again and you are logged in immediately.
Under 'Profile' you will find a new button with the description 'Community'. When you have activated your account, log in directly with this button.
Who is registered as Functional Owner?
To check who is currently registered as an Application Manager, a few people can view this information via 'My account'. For more information, see the following article: Contact Person Types
What is changing?
A few things will change with the arrival of the new community:
- The old wish list that could be reached via Feature Requests is no longer required. All previously submitted wishes and votes have been transferred to the new list.
- The button 'I have an idea' will expire. Ideas can be submitted through the community.
- Only people with a login have access to the community. Application Administrators can release these for colleagues. If you have any questions about this, please feel free to contact us by submitting a ticket: Submit Ticket