Next to the percentage rule, Nmbrs also supports the same wage principle as a holiday setting. This is mainly applied for white collar employees with a fixed schedule.
An employee can request leave, which can be approved by the manager, the company owner or the accountant. Nmbrs supports automatic calculation of earned holidays, taken holidays, holiday in advance, saldo change if an employee changes parttime factor, payment at service interval end and calculation of the value of holidays for bookkeeping.
Here you find more information about:
- The leave model settings
- Employee level settings
- Earned holidays
- Taken holidays
- Conversion to Nmbrs
- Values in bookkeeping
- Holiday Year Transit
Leave model settings
- Period defines starting from which period the setting is valid. For example if in year 2018 the total days per year is 25 and in year 2019 it is 26, then you can create the new setting with start year 2019. In history you see which settings apply starting from which period.
- Total Days Per Year defines the number of holidays that an employee earns in the holiday year if he works fulltime the entire year.
- Minimum Days Taken Per Year defines the minimum number of holidays that the employee is supposed to take up. Any leftover days above this minimum number is saved for next holiday year. Any leftover days below this minimum number cannot be saved to next year and are paid out at holiday year transit. For example if at the end of the holiday year the employee has 7 entitled days left, and if Total Days Per Year = 25, and if Minimum Days Taken Per Year = 20, then he can save 25 - 20 = 5 days to be used in the next holiday year. The other 2 days are paid out. See more information about this in the holiday year transit.
- Percentage defines the value of a holiday. Please fill in the total percentage of holiday payment including holiday allowance. For example 5.03 or 5.40.
- Calculation Method defines when the holiday year starts: January or April.
- If Entitled at start of year is false, then an employee earns holidays, which are turned into entitled days at holiday year transit, before he can use those entitled days to go on holidays. If the setting is true, then an employee gets an estimated number of holidays to be used in the holiday year and at the end of the year the holiday year transit wizard compares how many days the employee earned with how many he took to make a final calculation. See more information about this in the holiday year transit.
- You can choose to keep or pay out the leftover days which are older than 5 years.
- For the same wage principle you can choose in which period(s) you want to pay the holiday allowance (only when entitled at start of year = false). For more information please check this article.
- If Show Variable Part on Payslip is true, then the footer of the payslip displays the variable part of the holidays.
Employee level settings
Sometimes some employees in the company have a special agreement with the employer. On employee level you can overwrite some of the settings that are defined in the leave settings model: total days per year and minimum days taken per year. Here you can also overwrite the standard number of days after which parental leave and care for sick child stops the earning of holidays.
Earned holidays
Each calendar day that an employee works at a company adds to his earned holidays. The number of days per week that the employee works according to a schedule then determines how many days he really earns.
If an employee works 4 days per week and if he would earn 25 fulltime days per year, then he'd earn 25 * 0.8 = 20 days. This calculation happens each period and each period adds to the total. In January this employee would for example earn 20 * 31 / 365 = 1.70 holidays.
Unpaid leave, sickness, parental leave and care for sick child subtract from the calendar days on which the earned holidays are based. If the employee would for example have 14 unpaid leave days in January, then he'd earn 20 * (31 - 14) / 365 = 0.93 days in that month.
Sick days deduct from these calendar days starting from the 181st sick day.
Parental leave days and care for sick child days deduct starting from the 121st leave day. For these two leave types the 120 day limit can be manually overwritten on employee level (see employee level settings), because Nmbrs cannot know how many children the employee has, if the employee is single or not or for which sick child the employee is caring.
If a company is converted to Nmbrs, then in company start period Nmbrs automatically calculates the earned holidays of the employee based on his service interval start date and in which month the holiday year starts. The number of unpaid leave days that the employee had in the holiday year before the company started in Nmbrs are inserted on L9021 (sickness), L9022 (unpaid leave), L9023 (parental leave) and L9024 (care for sick child). This way Nmbrs can calculate how many days the employee can still be sick before he stops earning holidays.
If an employee starts working more or fewer days per week, then Nmbrs automatically calculates how many earned days he should have.
Note: if an employee was paid by the hour and if he starts having a schedule other than 0, then Nmbrs doesn't yet support the automatic calculation of earned holidays. In this case Nmbrs calculates the earned days as if the employee has been earning holidays as normal the entire year. Please insert the fulltime earned holidays that the employee should not have on L9030. For example if the holiday year starts in April and the employee starts having a schedule in June, then he should not have earned holidays in April and May. Insert -25 * 61 / 365 = -4.18 on L9030.
Taken holidays
Employees take holidays by doing a leave request. The leave request is started by the employee by clicking on the 'apply for leave' button in his leave dashlet. In this dashlet he can also see his past holidays, his upcoming holidays and how many days he can still request.
To be able to do leave requests you need the following settings:
1. In company dashlet mutation form settings select a mutation form model with the holiday form.
2. In company dashlet mutation form settings select a time registration model without the holidays time registration code M1015. This time registration model defines the time registration codes that the employee can fill in in his monthly calendar mutation form. By excluding M1015 from this model you prevent the employees from sending in holiday requests through their normal calendar forms.
3. In the top level user templates dashlet the employee login template should have write rights in the employee leave dashlet.
If the leave take up time registration is created in the employee calendar, either by approving the employee leave request, or by insertion by another HR application through the Nmbrs API or by manually inputting it on M1015, then the effect of the take up of leave is automatically calculated by Nmbrs:
- If the employee is paid in advance, then Nmbrs does not yet know the time registration codes for the full month, so the leave take up is calculated on the payslip of next period.
- Only days that the employee is scheduled to work and that are not national holidays count as a day to take up. You can enter two weeks of holidays and Nmbrs will not count the weekends.
- If the employee has enough entitled or saved days, then these saldos are lowered by the taken number of days. On the payslip in the gross payment part the value of the number of days is subtracted, the corresponding holiday payment and holiday allowance are added.
- If the employee does not have enough entitled or saved days, then on the payslip the value of the number of unpaid holidays is subtracted.
Conversion to Nmbrs
If a company is converted to Nmbrs, then please insert the fulltime number entitled and leftover holidays from the previous payroll application at the employee.
- Start balance entitled days on L3602 + the already taken days on L9031
- Leftover days year 1 on L3611
- Leftover days year 2 on L3612
- Leftover days year 3 on L3613
- Leftover days year 4 on L3614
- Leftover days year 5 on L3615
Values in bookkeeping
To get the values of the earned holidays and taken holidays in the bookkeeping the following wage codes can be linked in the general ledger schema:
- L9019 earned vacation days + L9020 social security value
- L9012 taken vacation days + L9004 and L9005 social security value
Instead of keeping track of the holiday liability by booking the earned and paid holidays you can also book the total liability each period:
- L9008 holiday liability excluding holiday in advance debt + L9010 social security value.
- L9009 holiday liability including holiday in advance debt + L9011 social security value
Year Transit
The holiday year in Sweden starts in January or April and during this year the employee earns vacation days. At the start of next holiday year these earned vacation days turn into entitled vacation days, the entitled turn into leftover year 1 days, and so on. There's a maximum number of entitled days that can be stored to next year and the leftover days for year 5 that haven't been taken up are paid out automatically.
Because calculating and inserting these new vacation values can take quite some time, we have a wizard that calculates this. See this article for more information about the holiday year transit: