Retroactive change of cost center / cost allocation for employee

You can retroactively pass on cost centers and / or carriers to employees. Select the correct period at the top right and open the lock. This works the same for adjusting the cost allocation:


An adjustment of a cost center, cost unit or cost center distribution in the past will trigger a retro active correction:


In the runchecker it will be visible that changes have been made to the cost center:



If the run has been processed, a new run will be visible in the salary documents, in which the adjustment of the cost center has been made. The amounts will be posted to the new cost center (journal entry cost center), and the amounts will be reversed to the old / incorrect cost center. So that in the correction run you have a journal entry that is in balance:



If you want to see the correction in the original period, you can recalculate the journal entries by deleting them under the company settings, click on the button 'remove journals output'.



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