Create and adjust HR signal settings

To use the HR Notification settings, the new dashlet has to be added to your template first. See: Modify Template.

It is possible to send notifications (emails) from Visma Nmbrs to contact persons and/or managers when, for instance, a contract is about to expire or an employee has a birthday.

Below is an explanation about setting up these HR Notifications; this can be done at master level (black bar) and for Accountants also at debtor level. For Accountants it is directly below here; for Business environments it is further down.

Have a look here if no HR notifications are being sent.

Master HR Signal settings for accountants


Go to the HR Notification settings dashlet via the Settings tab.


Notification Templates tab

Under the Notification Templates tab you can add the Master HR Notifications template. You can then apply this to multiple debtors. Click on Add HR Notification Template and assign a name and number to the template.


Notifications Tab


Here you can change the settings for the Master HR Notification template. First select the correct template.

Please note: changes are directly implemented for debtors who use this Master HR Notification template.

Click on a notification if you want to change it. Click on Add notification to template to create a new setting.


Select the type of notification and the corresponding action (email or none). For preset notifications (such as birthdays and dates of leaving service) you can specify how many days in advance you want to receive an email. This is not possible for notifications which are not preset (such as leave applications and absence reports).

You then specify which contact persons should receive the email.
Please note: if there are more contact persons, a notification will be sent to all contact persons. To create contact persons see article: Creating contact persons.

HR Signal settings debtor level


Go to the HR Notification settings dashlet as follows:

  • Select a debtor
  • Go to settings
  • Click on HR Notification settings

Active template tab

Active template tab specifies which HR notification settings are used by the debtor. You can select and apply a master or debtor HR Signals template.


Notifications Tab

Here you can change the settings for the debtor HR Notifications template. First select the template. 


Notification Templates tab

Here you can add a debtor HR Notifications template. You can create you own template or copy a master template.


Master HR Notification settings for Business


With a client login you can go to the dashlet HR Notification settings as follows:

  • Go to the Settings tab.
  • Click on HR Singnals under Signals.

Active template tab

Active template tab specifies which HR notification settings are used by the debtor. You can select a template.


Notifications Tab

Here you can change the settings of the HR Notifications template. First select the template.


Click on a notification if you want to change it. Click on Add notification to template to create a new setting.


Here you see different notifications and can determine here how many days in advance a notification is sent or who has to receive the notification of the message. Click on a notification if you want to change it. Click on New settings to create a new setting.


Select the type of notification and the corresponding action (email or none). For preset notifications (such as birthdays and dates of leaving service) you can specify how many days in advance you want to receive an email. This is not possible for notifications which are not preset (such as leave applications and absence reports). These notifications are generated and sent at night. It is not possible to set up the time of delivery.

You then specify which contact persons should receive the email.
Please note: if there are more contact persons, a notification will be sent to all contact persons. To create contact persons see article: Creating contact persons.

Notification Templates tab

Here you can add an HR Notifications template. Click on Add New template and assign a name and number to the template.





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