Adding action points for an employee

Personal Details

Please note: When you complete an action point, it will be hidden after 3 months. For instance, if the action point is completed on 16-08-2017, it will be hidden as of 16-11-2017.


There are two ways to add an action point to an employee.

The first way is via the details page of the employee.

Click on the employee (1) and then click on More (2) in the Personal Details dashlet of the employee.

Adding Action point


Click on Add Action Point



Select the type of action point. If the type is not stated in the list, click the + sign to add a new type.

Adding value


1. Enter the name.

2. Click Add.

3. Click the cross at the top left.

Adding Action point


You can now select the newly created type from the list. Enter an Action Date and Description as well. Click on 'Save'.

You action point has now been added.

Employee Action Items


The second way to add an action point is via the Action Points Employee dashlet. Click on More.

Adding Action point


You will see a list with action points of the employee.

To add a new action point, click on Add Action Point.

You then add an action point in the same way.




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