Integrating with Visma Nmbrs saves time for the end user. Automated integrations based on our APIs are therefore recommended. For HR partners looking into data conversion based on CSV, this article describes what to pay attention to.
For importing purposes, Nmbrs supports a specific import file. The most recent version of the Nmbrs import file can be downloaded from the Nmbrs application. For more information on how to actually import the data into Nmbrs; see this article.
For a semi-automated integration based on CSV, it's necessary to export the correct values from an external application and paste these values into the Nmbrs import sheet (without any markup). Therefore, the process of integration based on CSV usually follows these three steps:
- Export relevant data in external application
- Process data to 'fit' the Nmbrs importsheet and paste the relevant info in the sheet
- Import the data into Nmbrs
Monthly synchronizations of HR data
We support monthly synchronizations of HR data in a few scenarios.
- Import of master data of new employees in a company
- Import of (variable) hours and wage components
- Import of new leave requests
We DON'T support the following scenario, since it's prone to errors. For these types of scenarios, we recommend building an automated integration based on our available APIs.
- Monthly HR updates like names, addresses, functions, departments
Creating new employees
The import file contains multiple tabs and hundreds of data fields. For importing employees, the tab 'Werknemers' is the place to insert data. Not every column is required to be filled to import employees correctly. However, some fields are required. These fields are:
- Debiteurnr (A)
- Bedrijfnr (B)
- Persnr (D)
- Naam (E)
- Geboortedatum (AA)
- Postcode (AH)
- Huisadres (AI)
- Huisnummer (AJ)
- Plaats (AL)
- Indienstdatum (AO)
- CodeBepTd (AR)
- VolgnrInverh (CU)
The file 'Minimum import for import employees.xlsx' contains mandatory attributes to import new employees into Nmbrs. This file can be uploaded without any errors, but the employee profiles will be incomplete. Manual adjustments are required in the Nmbrs application to be able to create payslips and other financial documents. The example file can be downloaded for guidance.
Minimum import for import employees.xlsx
Creating employees ready for payroll
A similar scenario exists for importing employees with all the data to do a correct payroll run. The file contains all the attributes that are required to be able to make a run in Nmbrs and do 'proper payroll'. A part of the attributes is mandatory by law (tax authorities) to register. When left empty, it will cause error messages from the tax authorities whenever the client is filing taxes. In addition to the above required fields, these fields are needed to eventually run a successful payroll run.
- Burgerlijke staat (J)
- BSN (R)
- Geslacht (Z)
- Geboorteland (AC)
- CodeNationaliteit (AD)
- SchriftelijkContract (AS)
- NrRooster (AZ)
- Rooster (BA - BN)
- Salaris (BP)
- Loonheffing (CH)
- Lhkorting (CI)
- KleurTabel (CJ)
- SoortInkomen (CK)
- SpecialeTabel (CL)
- JaarLoonBT (CM)
- CodeZW (CO)
- CodeWW (CP)
- CodeWAO (CQ)
- CodeZvw (CR)
- CodelabZvw (CS)
- CodeLoonkostenvoordeel (CV)
- CodeInvlVpl (CW)
- CodeAard (CY)
- IBANStandaard (DB)
By importing these data fields, the payroll manager is able to execute a 'proper' payroll run. However, employee profiles will still be incomplete in the eyes of an HR manager. Which data is still missing differs from employer to employer. The example file can be downloaded for guidance.
Minimum import for payroll.xlsx
Visma Nmbrs Appstore listing
Our Appstore showcases all applications that can be integrated with Nmbrs. For integrations based on CSV, we do not create a new listing.