Double employment

When do you need a double employment contract?

An employee who has a second contract with the same employer; e.g. for a different job with a different salary. For the tax authorities this employee is still one person, but within the company he functions as two employees.

When do you NOT need a double employment contract?

- A trainee who, after or during his trainee ship, enters service for the company where he is undertaking the trainee ship. As an employee, the person's insurance situation is different from a trainee's. For the tax authorities this constitutes two different employees, who can be distinguished by the income relationship number. You enter this income relationship number at employee level, employment dashlet, contract.

- An employee who retired and was then re-employed at the same company.  


What does the double employment contract do?


At the employee level, wizards tab you can create a double employment contract. This creates a new employee. The personnel number and the name are copied from the original employee and DVB2 is displayed after the name.

You can configure this employee like any other, independently of the original employee. He will appear separately in the overviews and reports. You enter wage components and he'll have his own employee login. The employee can switch between employee logins by clicking on his email address at the top right and choosing 'Switch profile'.

The double employment contract differs from a normal employee in the following ways:

- The DVB1 and DVB2 payroll tax dashlets are linked.

- The calculations on the pay slip treat DVB1 and DVB2 as one employee.

- DVB1 and DVB2 appear as one employee in the wage tax declaration.

- DVB1 and DVB2 appear as one employee in the pension export

Limitations of the double employment contract:

- DVB2 can't exist without DVB1. If the employee's first employment contract ends, configure DVB1 as DVB2. Then you can end DVB2.

- Nmbrs supports two linked employment contracts. Three or more employment contracts are not possible.

- The calculation on the payslip doesn't come up correctly until after the payroll run has been executed. The correct calculation won't yet appear on the pro forma payslip.

- You can't import/update employee data for an employee with a double employment contract, as employee DVB1 and DVB2 have the same personnel number. The import/update will be randomly applied to one of the two.

Making corrections for one of the two employment contracts:

If a correction with retroactive effect is required for one of the two employment contracts, the other employment contract will always have to be corrected as well. This is to prevent problems in the wage tax declaration.

Please note:

If you carry out a retroactive correction for one of the two employees of the double employment contract, the other one will also have to be included (in other words, included in the retroactive correction as well). The employee is treated as one; otherwise the calculation will go wrong.



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