In this article, you will find more information on the content of Step 3 - Configuring the organization.
In this step you compile the organisation and working conditions to be applied to companies and the employee at a later stage.
- Users
- Organisation preparation
- IT Department preparation
- Continue configuration
- Communication
- Continue Import/Getting ready
Please ensure that all persons involved have the correct user logins to contribute towards the implementation of Nmbrs®. Nmbrs® comes standard with a number of standard login templates, suitable for use during implementation. In step 5, Go live, the expansion of the roles will be addressed in more detail.
Organisation preparation
When preparing the organisation, the size of the number of companies and employees is a good indicator for the work method. Below please find a layout of size and method.
1. Up to 5 companies with a total of less than 10 employees.
In this case, choose to enter all input by hand. Go directly to "Continue configuration".
2. Up to 5 companies with a total of more than 10 employees
In this case, choose to input the companies manually, the employees can be imported. Continue with "Departments'".
3. More than 5 companies and a total of more than 10 employees.
In this case, choose to enter all input via the import functionality. Continue with this article.
Below follows a description of the settings that can be used for several companies in one environment.
General ledger scheme
The general ledger account schedule only has to be prepared when more than 10 companies are implemented. In the case of less than 10 companies, adjustments to the general ledger can easily be applied.Click here to create a 'General Ledger Account Scheme'.
- When creating a general ledger account scheme, you can opt to link this to the system general ledger account schemed. ([Master] Standard chart of accounts (compact)). You can also choose to create an account scheme that is entirely under your own management. This can be based on, or copied from one of the system general ledger account schemes.
- Linked account scheme. The advantage of a linked account scheme is that if (due to legislative amendments) 'new wage codes' are created, these are added to the system general ledger account scheme by Nmbrs® and as a result are automatically added to all the linked schemes. The disadvantage of a linked account scheme is that only the general ledger account numbers and descriptions can be adjusted. Therefore, you cannot create new rules or delete existing rules. It is also not possible with a linked scheme to adjust the booking of a wage code to another account number and/or (debit/credit) side. However, with a general ledger account scheme under your own management you will be able to do so.
- The system general ledger account schemes for Twinfield and Reeleezee will no longer be maintained. In this case, also choose to link or copy the [Master] Standard chart of accounts (compact) and adjust the details.
- Nmbrs® strongly recommend that if you choose to use your own general ledger account scheme, that the Nmbrs® system schemes are copied and used as basis for your own general ledger account scheme. This way the risk of 'forgetting to link to an account' is minimised whereby amounts are transferred to the difference account.
Wage model
Nmbrs® has a particularly extensive range of 'wage components'. The amounts to be paid are filled in on a wage component (Next to the salary which is paid according to the schedule). When a specific group of components is used for several companies, more than 10, it is recommended to compile the wage model in advance. In the case of less than 10 companies, the Wage Model can be easily adjusted at a later stage. Click here to create a 'Wage Model'.
Nmbrs® uses various 'types' of wage codes. The regular (input) wage codes: these are wage codes for which you enter direct financial values, or in more specific cases, numbers (such as kilometres). In addition, Nmbrs® also uses 'output codes'. These are wage codes which display the results of the calculated values. For instance, as a result of a sector arrangement. In the wage model the description of a wage code, as is shown on the payslip, can be adjusted. Furthermore, for certain wage codes in the wage model the (detailed) operation of the wage code can be adjusted/defined. 'Output codes' do not have to be included in a wage model and will automatically be stated on the payslip, if necessary. The only reason to include an 'output code' in a wage model is to adjust the description of the 'output wage code', which is stated on the payslip.
Hours model
In addition to the extensive range of wage components, the same application also applies to 'hour components'. A number of hours with a specific meaning is entered into a time component. These could include additional work, allowances, surcharges including a worked hour, overtime or illness. Hour codes provide the basic input for (internal) calculations, which are subsequently stated on the corresponding 'output wage code' on the payslip. When a specific group of components is used for several companies, more than 10, it is recommended to compile the wage model in advance. Where there are less than 10 companies, the Wage Model is easy to adjust at a later stage. Click here to create an Hour model.
- In the hour model the hour codes are selected, and the description of the hour code (used for input) can be adjusted, as well as the internal operation for the calculation. Alongside in the hour model you can see which 'output wage code' is linked to which 'hour code'. By adding hour codes to hour models, they will be immediately available for payroll processing of all companies to which the relevant hour model is linked. This also applies to the wage model.
Determine whether the number of departments is large enough to import. Importing departments can easily be done manually. Click here to create departments.
Determine whether the number of functions is large enough to import. Importing functions can easily be done manually. Click here to create functions.
Determine whether the number of managers is large enough to import. Importing managers can easily be done manually. Click here to create manager logins.
- When options 2 and 3 have been selected to import data, you can still choose to create at least 1 sample setting for departments, functions and managers. Before starting to import, you can choose to create an export of the existing settings first. This way, you have an example to show how the fields in the import file have to be filled in. Of course, a clear explanation is available with the import sheet!
Continue configuration
Continuation of the configuration is determined by the previously made selection. How to proceed is indicated per option.
1. Up to 5 companies with a total of less than 10 employees.
With this option, companies and employees are entered manually. Start with the creation of all companies, then create the employees per company.Creating a company
2. Up to 5 companies with a total of more than 10 employees
In this scenario companies are created manually, thereafter the employees can be imported. Creating a company
3. More than 5 companies and a total of more than 10 employees.
In this case, choose to enter all input via the import functionality. Proceed with this article.
- When you have selected option 2, to import data, you can still choose to create at least 1 employee. Before starting to import, you can choose to first do an export of all existing settings. This way there is an example to show how the fields in the import sheet have to be filled in. Of course, a clear explanation is available with the import sheet!
- When you have selected option 3 to import data, you can in any case choose to create a minimum of 1 company. Within this company you can then also create an employee. Before starting to import, you can choose to create an export of the existing settings first. This way, you have an example which shows how the fields in the import file should be filled in. Of course, a clear explanation is available with the import sheet!
Creating a company
Following the preparation described above, the actual configuration of the environment can commence.Click here to create a company.
- Do not start with the creation of the most complicated company, rather start with an easy company. Do not stop working when you have a question about one of the companies, continue with the next company. In any case, if there is 1 company, you can continue with adding employees.
Creating an employee
Click here to create an employee.
- In the instructions for creating new employees, it is only possible to have the new employees start on the first day of the year. The date of employment has to be the actual date of employment. To do this, delete the date of employment which has been created with the wizard and enter a new employment with the actual date of employment.
- Do not start with the creation of the most complicated employees, rather start with an easy wage payment. Do not stop working when you have a question about one of the employees, rather continue with the next employee. In any case, if there is 1 employee, you can continue with doing calculations and the checking thereof.
It is advisable to keep the organisation informed of the progress. Often colleagues or their departments can help you with the dissemination of information about the newly installed Nmbrs®. In the component 'Objectives and Strategy' we have briefly addressed the integration of Nmbrs® in the internal processes. This information is not essential for the input of the company and employee data, but this is a good time to prepare the parties concerned for this.
- Do not forget to tell employees why you are making this transition.
- Do not stop communicating because you are too busy.
- Inform and involve other departments with the implementation, such as the board of directors, Finance, HR and IT.
Continue Import/Getting ready
The application has now been configured in such a way that we can proceed to the next step. The continuation is indicated in each scenario.
1. Up to 5 companies with a total of less than 10 employees.
When applying this scenario, all procedures and employees are available for the next step, "4 Getting ready".
2. Up to 5 companies with a total of more than 10 employees
Continue with importing employees (optional functions, departments and managers) in step"3 Import data".
3. More than 5 companies and a total of more than 10 employees.
Continue importing "3 Import data".