Levels in Nmbrs - Accountant

The owner of Nmbrs accountant environment is a salary specialist who has his own clients for which he does the salary process. Nmbrs Accountant has 4 levels: 

  1. Master level - the user can set up and manage on top level settings for all his clients
  2. Debtor level - before you can create a company you have to create a debtor. After you have created a debtor, you can create one or more companies that will belong to this debtor.
    On debtor level you can store and change information for that particular debtor. 
  3. Company level - before you can create an employee you have to create a company. After you have created a company, you can create employees that will belong to this company.
    On company level you can store and change information for that particular company. 
  4. Employee level - on employee level you can store and change information for that particular employee. 

Changes that you do can only have top-down effect. As an example: salary changes on debtor level will only apply to that debtor and its companies and employees. 



Video explaining the level structure in Nmbrs (Accountants)






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