In the 'Settings' tab, you can set Payroll Workflow actions for all debtors.
Global settings

On the 'Settings' tab, you will find the 'Payroll Workflow Settings'.
Adding new Payroll Workflow settings

Click 'Add new Payroll Workflow settings' to add your own, new setting.
Payroll Workflow name
1. Input a name for the payroll workflow. You need this name to select these payroll workflow settings later on the company level.
2. Input an e-mail address for the person who must receive an e-mail notification in case of an error. If an error occurs in the payroll workflow, a signal will be sent to the e-mail address you enter. You can change this at any time.
3. Click 'Save' once you have entered the details.
Edit Tracks
Go to "Tracks" to add the payroll workflow tracks and actions.
The Payroll Workflow
These are all the possible actions in the payroll workflow. All actions are set 'inactive' as standard.
To activate an action, click on the action you want to activate.
Action Settings

1. Click on 'Active' to activate this setting.
2. Choose whether this action is to be executed automatically (tick the box) or manually (untick the box). If you select automatic execution, the action will be processed automatically by Nmbrs®, so you do not have to take any further action yourself once this setting has been made. If you choose manual execution, this action will not be processed automatically, but you can see it later on the list of payroll workflow tasks that still need to be executed manually.
3. Select which action the selected action must follow (in this case, processing the salary run). This can be the beginning of the period or, in this case, after the run request. Other settings, such as those for the wage tax declaration workflow, can be made after the run lock instead of after the run request.
4. Choose after how many days this action must be executed (in this case, how many days after the run request). You can also choose to execute the action immediately and then the action will be executed immediately after the preceding action.
5. Choose to send a signal after this action is executed. (Optional)
6. Select which contact persons must receive a signal.
See here if you wish to create a contact person.
7. Click 'Save'.
The Payroll Workflow Settings for Demo Payroll Workflow
After setting up the actions, you will see an overview of the actions that must be done in the payroll workflow you have just created.
The active actions are listed in the payroll workflow (the ones with a checked box).
On the company level, it is always possible to delete active actions in the payroll workflow to prevent them from being executed. So, for each company, you can set which actions are relevant to this specific company (for example, if no employee login is active or no integration settings have been set up).
The payroll workflow is now created. You can also create multiple payroll workflows, of course.