Company year transit

This article describes how to run a year transition.  

The active year

To run the year transit, it is important that the active year is the year for which you want to run the year transit. The active year can be found at company level either on the 'Home' dashboard if the company settings have been made visible or in the 'General' tab in the 'Company Settings' dashlet:

Option 1


Option 2




Companies Year Transit



1. Go to the 'Start' tab or 'Settings' tab on Master level.

2. Under 'Actions', click on 'Company year transition'.

Select companies for the year transit.

  1. Select the required tag, debtor, year and workflow for which you want to run the year transit.
  2. Click on 'Show Overview'.
  3. dicate for which companies you want to run the year transit. You can also select all companies in one go by clicking on 'All'.
  4. Click on 'Next' to proceed.

The year transit


If required, select an optional action to be performed during the year transit(1). A number of actions are performed automatically (as mentioned earlier in this article).

Then click on 'Year Transition' (2) on the bottom right-hand side. The year end has now been completed.


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