Configuring Mutation forms (Accountants)

This article shows how you can set up mutation forms. This allows employees (with an employee login) and employers (with a company login) to submit mutation forms.


Creating the Mutation form model at Master Level

To use employee and company mutation forms, you must first create a 'mutation form model' at master level. The model can be created under Settings -> Global Settings -> Mutation Form Settings. The image below shows where to find these settings:


After that, you'll see a standard model with the name 'Mutation Forms Model (Default)'. In this model, everything is set up and the settings can be adjusted as you wish (see the next section for more information). It is also possible to create a completely new model. To do this, click 'New Model' (see the image below):


Here, you only have to choose a name for the model. Then click 'Save'. Once this new model is created, under the 'Model Maintenance' tab, you can adjust the assessment chain and add or remove mutation forms.

Mutation Form Model Maintenance

When you choose 'Model Maintenance', you can select the model you wish to adjust:


Employee Mutation Forms (Assessment Chain)
In the top section of the model, you can set up the assessment chain for the employee mutation forms. Each mutation attempt that is submitted by an employee will appear in the assessment chain. The image below shows an example of an assessment chain for the employee mutation form, which is divided into four different steps:


This example shows the following:

Step 1: Employee requests a change using a mutation form.

Step 2: The manager receives the form. In this case, it is the department manager. If the employee has no department manager, the form will be received by the employee's manager. If the employee does not have a direct manager, the form goes to the 'Unassigned Requests' inbox.

Step 3: If the manager approves the form, the form goes to a specific user (with a company login). The specific user can be set up at the company level. If no specific user is set up at the company level, the form goes to the company login that is active at the company.
Please note!When a specific user has been set up but this user's account has expired or been recreated, the forms will automatically be assigned to the first company login created. You will then need to save the settings with a specific user over again.

Step 4: When the specific user has approved the form, the form goes to the accountant. Here, a specific user can once again be set up, or the form goes to an accountant login.

It is possible to remove users from this chain. To do this, click on the relevant block and remove the tick. Of course, there always has to be one user (manager, client or accountant) active to be able to approve the employee's mutation form. After that, this step in the assessment chain is skipped. The image below shows which tick must be removed:


It is also possible to change the users in the chain. For example, you may want to have the employee's manager at the top, followed by the department manager (as shown in the image below). To do this, click on the user you want to move and drag them up or down:


Employee Mutation Forms (Forms)
Besides the assessment chain, you can also select the forms here. To do this, choose 'Select New Employee Form':


After that, you can add or remove forms from the model by ticking or unticking them:



Adding an Assessment Chain to Employee Mutation Forms:
In the models for the employee forms, we offer the option of creating multiple assessment chains. This enables you to let certain employee forms flow through a specific assessment chain.




1. Select the mutation form model you want to use.

2. Add a new assessment chain.

3. Adjust the chain as you wish by clicking on the block.

4. Select the employee forms you want to use with this assessment chain.


Please note!
It is not possible to choose the same employee forms for multiple assessment chains. If a specific form is assigned to a chain and then selected for another chain, the form will be moved from the chain where it was first included to the chain where it was most recently For the 'Contact' & 'Contract' mutation forms, the manager can be set up as the final approval. In short, if the assessment chain is configured correctly (deactivate company and accountant approvals), the manager can approve and implement this form.

Company Mutation Forms (Assessment Chain)
In the second part of the model, company mutation forms can be set up. Here, you can check the assessment chain for the company forms; nothing in this chain can be adjusted. The image below shows the assessment chain:


A form can be submitted (a request for changes) by any company login that has the permissions for submitting mutation forms. After that, the form is sent to the accountant who can approve it. There is no way to choose a specific user. The article below explains how to create a company login:

Company Mutation Forms (Forms)
Besides the assessment chains, you can also select forms when setting up the model. To do this, choose 'Select New Employee Form'. After that, you can add or remove forms from the model by ticking or unticking them:


Configuring the Mutation Form Model at the Company Level

You can select a mutation form model at the company level. By doing so, you are specifying that the settings in this model apply for this company. Do this on the company level under Settings -> Tools -> Mutation Form Settings. Then choose 'Edit', where you can select the model you want to use. This is illustrated in the image below:


You can also set up specific users at the company level. To do this, click the relevant block and select the user from the drop down menu:


Configuring the Wage Model for the Declaration Form

If you have indicated in the employee or company mutation forms that the 'Declaration Form' is available, you can select a wage model at the company level in which the wage codes are listed. The employees or employer can then choose from these in the declaration form. The image below shows how the standard declaration model is used.


If you want to create your own wage model for the mutation forms, read the article below about creating wage models: :



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