Within Visma Nmbrs you can use different templates; the article below specifies the available dashlets and permissions for the template document viewer.
Each available dashlet specifies the maximum permissions of a dashlet:
Read: The user can view the contents of the dashlets.
Write: The user can change the contents of the dashlets.
A dashlet with maximum permission of 'Write' can be adjusted to 'Read' or 'None'.
A dashlet with maximum permission of 'Read' can be changed to 'None' but not to 'Write'.
A missing dashlet cannot be added.
More information about changing a template according to the client's requirements can be found in this article.
EXPLORER: Employee | Read | Write |
Employee action points | x | |
Assessment and functioning | x | |
Sector regulations | x | |
Employee contract | x | |
Employee documents | x | |
Extra hours / days | x | |
Extra fields | x | |
Family | x | |
Cost centres | x | |
Company car | x | |
Attachment of earnings | x | |
Wage components | x | |
Wage components per period | x | |
Wage components per run | x | |
Payroll taxes | x | |
Payslips per period | x | |
Payslips per run | x | |
Employee login | x | |
Employee template | x | |
Employee changes | x | |
Accident file | x | |
Training / Education | x | |
Employee notes | x | |
Pension settings | x | |
Personal details | x | |
Wage components reports | x | |
Travel allowance | x | |
Reservations | x | |
Schedule | x | |
Salary | x | |
Salary savings/Life-course | x | |
Time registration | x | |
Retroactive corrections | x | |
Leave | x | |
Provisions | x | |
Sent signals | x | |
Absence | x |
Company: | Read | Write |
File management | x | |
Contact person | x | |
Company documents | x | |
HR documents | x | |
Company information | x | |
Cost centres | x | |
Wage tax declaration | x | |
Wage components per run | x | |
Employee changes | x | |
Employee address | x | |
Company notes | x | |
Overview departments (company) | x | |
Overview contracts (company) | x | |
Overview cost centres (company) | x | |
Overview gender (company) | x | |
Pension export | x | |
HR reports | x | |
Wage components reports | x | |
Run input reports | x | |
Travel expenses scheme | x | |
Reservations | x | |
Run control | x | |
Salary documents | x | |
Salary settings | x | |
Social security tax table | x | |
Social security tax table | x | |
Leave overview | x |
OTHERS: Wizards | Read | Write |
TABS: Start | Read | Write |
My workflow tasks | x | |
Overview department | x | |
Overview contracts | x | |
Overview gender | x | |
Reports | x | |
HR reports | x | |
Leave overview | x | |
Sent signals | x | |
Absence overview | x |
Explorer | Read | Write |
Overviews: | Read | Write |