Within Visma Nmbrs you can use various templates. This article describes what the available dashlets and permissions are for the template payroll input and payroll run request.
The maximum permissions of a dashlet are indicated per available dashlet.
Read: The accountant can view the content of the dashlets.
Write: The accountant can modify the content of the dashlets.
When you set the permissions for the reports to read, it means that the client cannot download the report. The buttons 'download PDF / Excel' are missing in this case. When you want to enable your clients to download reports, you set the permission to 'Write'.
Please note:
A dashlet with maximum permission of 'Write' can be adjusted to 'Read' or 'None'.
A dashlet with maximum permission of 'Read' can be changed to 'None' but not to 'Write'.
A missing dashlet cannot be added.
More information about changing a template according to the client's requirements can be found in this article
EXPLORER: Employee | Read | Write |
Employee action items | x | |
Assessment and functioning | x | |
Brancherules | x | |
Employment | x | |
Employee documents | x | |
Additional hours / days | x | |
Additional fields | x | |
Family | x | |
Cost centre | x | |
Labour agreement model | x | |
Wage components | x | |
Wage components per period | x | |
Wage components per run | x | |
Payroll taxes | x | |
Payslips per period | x | |
Payslips per run | x | |
Employee login | x | |
Employee template | x | |
Training / Education | x | |
Personal details | x | |
Wage component reports | x | |
Travel allowance | x | |
Reservations | x | |
Schedule | x | |
Salary | x | |
Leave | x | |
Absence | x | |
OTHERS: Wizards | Read | Write |
New employee | x | |
Employee out of service | x | |
Copy employee | x | |
TABS: Start | Read | Write |
Company action items | x | |
General Ledger Account Scheme | x | |
Company wage components | x | |
Pro forma | x | |
File management | x | |
Brancherules | x | |
Contact person | x | |
Default employee | x | |
Company documents | x | |
Fulltime schedule | x | |
HR Documents | x | |
Import / export company level | x | |
Company information | x | |
Journal entries Export | x | |
Cost centres | x | |
Wage tax declaration | x | |
Wage tax declaration viewer | x | |
Wagecomponents per period | x | |
Wage tax registration number | x | |
Employee adjustments | x | |
Employee addresses | x | |
My workflow tasks | x | |
Approve mutation forms | x | |
Submit mutation forms | x | |
Pension Export | x | |
Overview departments (company) | x | |
Overview contracts (company) | x | |
Overview cost centre (company) | x | |
Overview male / female (company) | x | |
Pension export | x | |
Pensioen export settings | x | |
Payroll output reports | x | |
Travel expenses scheme | x | |
Overview contracts | x | |
Overviews cost centres | x | |
Overview departments | x | |
Overview gender | x | |
Reservations | x | |
Run request | x | |
Salary documents | x | |
Salary document viewer | x | |
Salary document settings | x | |
Payroll settings | x | |
Fast input | x | |
Social security tax table | x | |
Time registrations | x | |
Birthdays | x | |
Leave applications | x | |
Leave settings | x | |
Leave overview | x | |
Sent signals | x | |
Absence overview | x | |
Explorer | Read | Write |
Payroll run: | Read | Write |
HR Documents | x | |
Wage tax declaration | x | |
Wage tax declaration viewer | x | |
My workflow tasks | x | |
Pension export | x | |
Pro forma | x | |
Run request | x | |
Salary documents | x | |
Salary documents viewer | x | |
Fast input | x | |
Calender: | Read | Write |
Settings: | Read | Write |
Company action items | x | |
General Ledger Account Scheme | x | |
Company wage components | x | |
File management | x | |
Brancherules | x | |
Contact person | x | |
Default employee | x | |
Company documents | x | |
Fulltime Schedule | x | |
Import / export company level | x | |
Company information | x | |
Cost centres | x | |
Wage tax declaration registration number | x | |
Submit mutation forms | x | |
Pensioen export settings | x | |
Travel expenses scheme | x | |
Reservations | x | |
Salary document settings | x | |
Payroll settings | x | |
Social security tax table | x | |
Time registration | x | |
Leave settings | x | |
Sent signals | x | |
Overview: | Read | Write |
Company - Adjusted reports | x | |
Company - Wage components per period (new) | x | |
Company - Wage components per run (new) | x | |
Company - Wage components per run/period (new) | x | |
Company - Report Journal Entries (new) | x | |
Employee HR general - Adjusted reports | x | |
Employee HR general - Contract | x | |
Employee HR general - Employee company car | x | |
Employee HR general - Employee documents | x | |
Employee HR general - Employee contact details list | x | |
Employee HR general - Employee training/education | x | |
Employee HR general - Employee birthday list | x | |
Employee HR general - Employee provisions | x | |
Employee HR general - Employee address | x | |
Employee HR general - Overview departments | x | |
Employee HR general - Overview contracts | x | |
Employee HR general - Overview gender | x | |
Employee HR general - Overview cost centre | ||
Employee HR absence and leave - Employee leave registration | x | |
Employee HR absence and leave - Employee leave balance | x | |
Employee HR absence and leave - Employee Absence registration report | x | |
Employee HR absence and leave - Leave overview | x | |
Employee HR absence and leave - Absence notifications Overview | x | |
Employee HR absence and leave - Leave overview | x | |
Employee HR absence and leave - Absenteeism registration Report | x | |
Employee Payroll - Branches | x | |
Employee Payroll - Input wage comp. (fixed/variable) | x | |
Employee Payroll - Wage components | x | |
Employee Payroll - Input hour components | x | |
Employee Payroll - Input hourly worker (hours and days) | x | |
Employee Payroll - Life-course | x | |
Employee Payroll - Wage components per period (new) | x | |
Employee Payroll - Wage components per run (new) | x | |
Employee Payroll - Wage components per run/period (new) | x | |
Employee Payroll - Payroll tax SVW (social security) settings | x | |
Employee Payroll - Employee hours & salary(headcount) | x | |
Employee Payroll - Employee changes | x | |
Employee Payroll - Payroll output reports | x | |
Employee Payroll - Reservations | x | |
Employee Payroll - Salary savings | x |