The following page is a collection of different XML notations in the Nmbrs® API calls. These can be helpful to undestand the XML output of an API call. For each XML notation, on ore more methods are listed.
Cumulative Journals
This XML is the return of method(s):
- Reports_GetJournalsReportByCompany
XML Structure
debitcredit node values |
debit |
credit |
Data type | Example |
Decimal | 2000.00 |
String | This is some text |
Integer | 1234 |
This XML is the return of method(s):
- Journals_GetByRunCompany
- Journals_GetByRunCostCenter
- Journals_GetByRunDepartment
- Journals_GetByRunEmployee
XML Structure
<line id="0">
debitcredit node values |
debit |
credit |
dim | Example |
dim1 | General ledger rule nr. |
dim2 | cost center nr. / department nr. / employee nr |
dim3 | cost unit nr. (when cost unit is used) |
Data type | Example |
Decimal | 2000.00 |
String | This is some text |
Integer | 1234 |
Payslip PDF
This XML is the return of method(s):
Get all payslip PDF's of a company for a specific run period, takes year from active year of the company. |
Get all payslip PDF's of a company for a specific run period. Allow to supply the year to be used. |
Get employee payslips in PDF by run company for a specific run period, takes year from active year of the company. |
Get all payslip PDF's of a company for a specific run period. Allow to supply the year to be used. |
Payslip XML
This XML is the return of method(s):
XML Structure
Group values (Node Line) |
Branche |
Bruto |
Loonheffingen |
Netto |
None |
Other |
Payment |
PaymentOther |
Totalen |
WerknemerVerzekering |
Key values (Node FooterItem) |
Arbeidskorting Cum. |
Arbeidskorting d.p. |
Dagen Gewerkt |
Dagen Tijdvak |
Fiscaalloon |
Fiscaalloon BT |
Fiscaalloon Tabel |
Franchise Cum. |
Franchise d.p. |
SVW Loon |
Uren Gewerkt |
WAO Loon |
WW Loon |
Zvw Loon |
Data type | Example |
Decimal | 2000.00 |
String | This is some text |
Integer | 1234 |
This XML is the return of the methods:
- Reports_Accountant_EmployeeAbsence
- Reports_Accountant_EmployeeContracts
- Reports_Accountant_EmployeeHoursSalary
- Reports_Accountant_EmployeeNameAddress
- Reports_Accountant_EmployeeSVWSettings
- Reports_Accountant_EmployeeWageTaxSettings
Note 1: This article is subject to change.
Note 2: The output of the XML's is totally dependent from the input settings.
Wage code reports
This XML is the return of method(s):
XML Structure
Data type | Example |
Decimal | 2000.00 |
String | This is some text |
Integer | 1234 |
Wage tax
This XML is the return of method:
The XML structure is the same that you can download in Nmbrs. For detailed specifications of the fields, please visit
Wage Tax XML Structure example