The following page is a collection of different enumerations which are required for the Nmbrs® API calls. we have divided the enumerations into the following categories:
- Absence
- Bank account
- Company period
- Employee documents
- Employee type
- Lease car contract
- Personal info
- Reason out of service
- SVW settings
- Wagetax
API calls
Absence is used for the following calls:
- Absence2_GetList
- Absence2_Insert
- Absence_GetList
- Absence_Insert
- Absence_PartialRecoveryInsert
- Absence_RecoveryInsert
The variable that is shown under the column value is the variable that you fill in on the place of the ? See the explanation below when we use the call: Absence_Insert
SIVI 2006 |
Ziekte |
1 |
Ziekte door zwangerschap (vangnet) |
2 |
Ziekte heringetreden arbeidsgehandicapte (vangnet) |
3 |
Ziekte door orgaandonatie (vangnet) |
4 |
Zwangerschapverlof |
5 |
Adoptie / Pleegzorg |
6 |
Ziekte door bevalling |
7 |
SIVI 2017/SIVI 2022 |
Geen vangnetgeval / Ziekte |
8 |
Verzuim a.g.v. van zwangerschap en/of bevalling |
9 |
Verzuim a.g.v. van orgaandonatie |
10 |
WW uitkering en meer dan xx weken verzuim |
11 |
Uitzendkracht of oproepkracht |
12 |
Beëindiging dienstverband tijdens verzuim |
13 |
Gedeeltelijk ao verzuim binnen |
14 |
Bijzonder dienstverband |
15 |
Overige oorzaken |
16 |
Zwangerschapsverlof (WAZO) |
17 |
Adoptieverlof (WAZO) |
18 |
Pleegzorgverlof (WAZO) |
19 |
Bank account
API calls
Bank account is used for the following calls:
Bank account
Value | Description | |
0 | None | |
1 | Bank account 1 | |
2 | Bank account 2 | |
3 | Bank account 3 | |
4 | Bank account 4 | |
5 | Bank account 5 | |
6 | Levensloop |
Bank Account Type
Value |
Int |
None |
0 |
Bankrekening1 |
1 |
Spaarloon |
2 |
Bankrekening2 |
3 |
Bankrekening3 |
4 |
Bankrekening4 |
5 |
Bankrekening5 |
6 |
Standaard |
7 |
Levensloop |
8 |
Company period
Company Period type
When the user creates a company the company period is chosen. The company periods indicated the payment cycle of a company. After company period is created it can't be changed.
If the request is success you will get a period in the format = yyyy-pp-type where:
M |
Month company. Total of 12 periods. |
W4 | 4 week company. Total of 13 periods. |
W1 | 1 week company. Total of 52 periods. In year 2021 there are 53 periods. |
For inserting purposes (Company_Insert) the following values can be used:
Value | Period | Description |
1 | M | Month company. Total of 12 periods. |
2 | 4W | 4 week company. Total of 13 periods. |
3 | W | 1 week company. Total of 52 periods. In year 2026 there are 53 periods. |
Extra info
Most information in Nmbrs is period based. With methods above you can also get the current period of the company. To know the current period of the company is important when you want to get information from or to send information to Nmbrs.
When you know the current period of the company you know that all information that you will send in current period will be processed in payroll.
Employee documents
API calls
The document Guid is used in the API call EmployeeDocument_UploadDocument
One of the specific Guids needs to be inserted in the following parameter
Employee document type
Value (Guid) | Description |
b7c39468-7acc-4b34-899b-f7989a044eca | Contract |
1c044ac5-da75-42f8-bf7b-ea6195c3cbbf | Certificate |
07c8a39b-06aa-4903-8372-2713f35ee8a9 | Picture |
8461e504-d35e-4639-90d3-286d42349efc | Employee Picture |
c586bcb1-c909-4fcc-a204-af3303f073c1 | Identity document |
726fa8fb-2350-493e-aa7e-5a8b7446ddc8 | Wage Tax Declaration |
d9dc1190-eb6b-4e04-bba3-39e900205307 | Employee Login File |
c21d471a-2d8c-47a7-b8c4-9bde8d188b13 | Other |
b66be3b9-f524-4f86-9ed6-6b2ea6d5a2c7 | Planning |
Employee type
API calls
Employee types are used for the following calls:
The variable that is shown under the column value is the variable that you fill in on the place of the int. See the explanation below when using the call: List_GetByDebtor
Employee type
Value |
Description |
1 |
Applicant |
2 |
Payroll |
3 |
External |
4 |
Former Payroll Employee |
5 |
Rejected Applicant |
6 |
Former External Employee |
7 |
New Hire |
Lease car contract
API calls
The following values can be used in the calls:
- LeaseCar2_GetAll_EmployeesByCompany
- LeaseCar_Delete
- LeaseCar_Get
- LeaseCar_GetAll_EmployeesByCompany
- LeaseCar_GetCurrent
- LeaseCar_GetList
- LeaseCar_Insert
- LeaseCar_InsertCurrent
- LeaseCar_Stop
The calls are used for inserting and retrieving certain data with respect to company cars, also called lease cars. The variable that is shown in the table ReasonNoContribution, can be used in the following fashion.
Value |
Description |
0 |
Niet van toepassing |
1 |
Afspraak via werkgever met Belastingdienst |
2 |
Werknemer heft beschikking Belastingdienst |
3 |
Andere bewijs personen- en bestelauto |
5 |
Doorlopend afwisselend gebruik bestelauto |
6 |
0% bijtelling (N.v.t. na 2018) |
7 |
Werknemer heft verklaring uitsluitend zakelijk gebruik bestelauto Belastingdienst |
Value |
Description |
0 |
Handmatig |
1 |
25,00% / Overige |
2 |
20,00% / diesel 20% |
3 |
14,00% / Diesel 14% |
7 |
35,00% / Auto’s 15 jaar en ouder |
8 |
4,00% / 4% |
9 |
7,00% / 7% |
10 |
15,00% / 15% |
11 |
21,00% / 21% |
12 |
22,00% / 22% |
13 |
4,00% / 4% t/m 50.000, 22% vanaf 50.000 |
14 |
7,00% / 7% t/m 50.000, 25% vanaf 50.000 |
15 |
8,00% / 8% t/m 45.000, 22% vanaf 45.000 |
16 | 11,00%/ 11% t/m 45.000, 25% vanaf 45.000 |
17 | 8,00%/ 8% |
18 | 12,00%/ 12% t/m 40.000, 22% vanaf 40.000 |
19 | 12,00%/ 12% |
20 | 15,00%/ 15% t/m 40.000, 25% vanaf 40.000 |
21 | 16% |
22 | 16,00%/ 16% t/m 35.000, 22% vanaf 35.000 |
23 | 19,00%/ 19% t/m 35.000, 25% vanaf 35.000 |
24 | 16,00%/ 16% t/m 30.000, 22% vanaf 30.000 |
25 | 19,00%/ 19% t/m 30.000, 25% vanaf 30.000 |
Personal info
API calls
The following values can be used in the calls:
- PersonalInfoContractSalaryAddress_GetAll_AllEmployeesByCompany
- PersonalInfo_Get
- PersonalInfo_GetAll_AllEmployeesByCompany
- PersonalInfo_GetCurrent
- PersonalInfo_Update
- PersonalInfo_UpdateCurrent
The calls are used for inserting and retrieving certain data regarding the Personal information dashlet.
Value | Description |
0 | Not specified |
1 | Dutch passport |
2 | Tourists card (youth) |
3 | Municipal id card |
4 | Residence permit (A-E) |
5 | New Residence permit |
6 | W-Document |
7 | Unidentified Persons Passport |
8 | Refugee Passport Residence permit |
9 | Foreign passport with |
10 | National id card |
11 | EU Passport |
BurgerlijkeStaat (Marital state)
Value | Number | Description |
- | 10 | Not specified |
Duurz. Gescheiden | 6 | Permanently divorced |
Gehuwd | 1 | Married |
Ongehuwd | 2 | Unmarried |
Reg. Partner | 7 | Registered partner |
Samenwonend | 5 | Living together |
Weduwe/Weduwnaar | 8 | Widow/Widower |
Naamstelling (Named)
Type | Description |
0 | Not specified |
1 | Only own name |
2 | Only partnername |
3 | Partner name own name |
4 | Own name partner name |
Reason out of service
API calls
Reason out of service is used for the following calls:
The variable that is shown under the column value is the variable that you fill in on the place of the ? See the explanation below when we use the call: Service_StopCurrent
Reason out of service
Value | Description | UI |
1 | End service interval by the employer within the trial period | 1 |
2 | Dissolution by the court at the request of the employer | 3 |
3 | Termination of contract with mutual consent at the initiative of the employer | 4 |
4 | Termination of contract by employee, because of employee's fault or a the employee's initiative | 20 |
5 | Termination by employer for urgent reason (immediate dismissal) | 21 |
6 | End by operation of law due to expiration of a fixed-term employment contract | 30 |
7 | End by operation of law, for another reason | 31 |
8 | End of temporary employment contract due to ilness of temporary employee | 40 |
9 | End of temporary employment contract for another reason | 41 |
10 | Incapicty with permission of UWV | 80 |
11 | Redundancy with permission of UWV | 81 |
12 | The employment contract continues, but the income relationship has been terminated administratively | 90 |
13 | Another reason not mentioned above | 99 |
SVW settings
API calls
The following enumerations are used in SVW settings related calls:
Employment Type
The variable that is shown under the column value is the variable that you fill in on the place of the int.
Value | EmploymentType |
1 | Arbeidsovereenkomst |
4 | Deelvisser |
6 | Musicus/artiest |
7 | Stagiair |
10 | Wet Sociale Werkvoorziening (WSW) |
11 | Uitzendkracht |
18 | Publiekrechtelijke aanstelling |
79 | Opting-in regeling |
81 | Overige fictieve dienstbetrekkingen |
ZVW (Zorgverzekeringswet)
Value | Description |
A | Niet verzekeringsplichtig omdat persoon ook niet verzekerd is voor AWBZ |
B | Niet verzekeringsplichtig omdat persoon ook militair ambtenaar is in werkelijke dienst of met buitengewoon verlof |
G | Niet verzekeringsplichtig omdat persoon buitenlands artiest of buitenlands beroepssporter is of behoort tot een buitenlands artiestengezelschap of sportploeg waarbij code loonbelastingtabel 221, 224 of 225 is toegepast. |
H | Wel verzekeringsplichtig, geen tarief toegepast omdat persoon binnenlands artiest is waarbij code loonbelastingtabel 220 is toegepast |
I | Niet verzekeringsplichtig omdat persoon niet verzekerd is voor de Wlz; maar wel pseudobijdrage verschuldigd is, omdat in het woonland recht bestaat op zorg ten laste van Nederland (artikel 69 Zvw) |
K | Wel verzekeringsplichtig, normaal tarief |
L | Wel verzekeringsplichtig, afwijkend tarief zeelieden |
M | Wel verzekeringsplichtig, verlaagd tarief |
N | Wel verzekeringsplichtig, meer tarieven toegepast |
Inkomens afhankelijke bijdrage Zvw (SVW Contribution)
Value | Description (Inkomens afhankelijke bijdrage ZVW) |
0 | None |
1 | Hoog% + Vergoeding inkomensafhankelijke bijdrage Werkgever |
2 | Laag% + Vergoeding inkomensafhankelijke bijdrage Werkgever |
3 | Laag% + Zonder inkomensafhankelijke bijdrage Werkgever |
Invloed verzekeringsplicht (Influence Obliged Insurance)
Value | Description (Invloed verzekeringsplicht) |
0 | Geen invloed |
A | Familie van eigenaar |
B | Vorige eigenaar |
D | Oproep/invalkracht zonder verplichting om te komen |
E | Oproep/invalkracht met verplichting om te komen |
Loonkostenvoordeel (Wage tax benefit)
Value | Description |
0 | Geen arbeidsgehandicaptenkorting |
14 | LKV oudere werknemer |
15 | LKV arbeidsgehandicapte werknemer |
16 | LKV doelgroep banenafspraak en scholingsbelemmerden |
17 | LKV herplaatsen arbeidsgehandicapte werknemer |
Phase classification
Phase classification is only applicable to temporary workers (aard arbeidsverhouding = Uitzendkracht)
Value | Description | Phase classification in interface |
15 | Fase 1-2 met uitzendbeding | 1 |
4 | Fase 3 | 3 |
5 | Fase 4 | 4 |
6 | Wettelijk regime | 5 |
7 | Ketensysteem | 6 |
8 | Fase A met uitzendbeding | 17 |
9 | Fase B | 18 |
10 | Fase C | 19 |
11 | Fase A zonder uitzendbeding, met loonuitsluiting | 38 |
12 | Fase A zonder uitzendbeding | 40 |
16 | Fase 1-2 zonder uitzendbeding | 41 |
17 | Fase 1 + 2 Zonder uitzend beding, met uitsluiting van loondoorbetalingsverplichting | 43 |
The following enumerations are used in Wagetax settings related calls:
Many different settings are required for inserting wagetax settings. An example could be (wagetax):
Wagetax <loonheffing>
Value | Description |
true | Wagetax is applied |
false | Wagetax is not applied |
Wage tax/ reduced fare <Loonheffingkorting>
Value | Description |
true | Wage tax/ reduced fare is applied |
false | Wage tax/ reduced fare is not applied |
Advantage rule <Voordeelreg>
Value | Description |
true | Advantage rule is applied |
false | Advantage rule is not applied |
Color table <KleurTabel>
Value | Description |
1 | White |
2 | Green |
Period table <TijdvakTabel>
Value | Description |
2 | Month table |
3 | Week Table |
4 | 4-Week Table |
5 | Day table |
Special table <SpecialeTabel>
Value | Description |
0 | None |
3 | A/G Employee Insurance Obligation Only |
5 | B/H Employee Wage Tax Obligation Only |
6 | C/I Employee Wage Tax Obligation and No Insurance Obligation Wlz |
7 | D/J Employee Wage Tax Obligation and Insurance Obligation Wlz Only |
210 | Contractors, Homeworkers and Equivalents |
220 | Domestic Artist or Professional Athlete |
221 | Foreign Artist or Professional Athlete |
224 | Foreign Artist Groups or Sports Teams |
225 | Foreign Artist Reduced Rate Based on Min. Agreement |
226 | F/L Employee No Wage Tax Obligation and Insurance Obligation Wlz Only |
227 | K Employee No Wage Tax Obligation and Insurance Obligation ANW Only |
228 | E Employee No Wage Tax Obligation and Insurance Obligation AOW/ANW Only |
280 | Student Conditions |
940 | 52%-Rate Anonymous Employee |
999 | Other Cases No Table Applied |
Income type <SoortInkomen>
Value | Description |
11 | Wage or salary officials Public Service Law 1929 |
12 | Wage and salary employees subsidized or budgeted institutions, including implementing Agency social security ZFS |
13 | Wage or Salary Directors of NV / BV, Insured for Employee Insurances |
14 | Wage or salary other employees Not Insured by Law on Occupational Disability Insurance |
15 | Wage and salary Employees not listed |
17 | Wage or Salary Directors of NV / BV, Not Insured for Employee Insurances |
18 | Redundancy of a Government Institution |
21 | Pensions, Annuities, etc. (not 23 (War and Resistance Pensions) |
22 | Payment AOW |
23 | War and Resistance Pensions |
24 | Payment ANW |
31 | Payment ZW and Voluntary ZW |
32 | Payment WAO and private insurance disease, disability and accident |
33 | Payment nWW |
34 | Payment IOAW |
35 | Continuation Payment nWW |
36 | Payment WAZ |
37 | WAJONG |
38 | Concurrence (simultaneously or sequentially) Payment WAJONG with WAZ or WAO |
39 | Payment IVA |
40 | Payment WGA |
42 | Payment Bbz |
43 | Payment WWB |
45 | Payment IOAW |
46 | Supplementary Benefits Law |
50 | Payment other Social Security Laws incl. Accident Laws 1921, 1922 and 1919 |
52 | Payment Law on Income Provisions for Older unemployed |
Special annual salary rate <JaarloonBT>
Value | Description |
amount | The yearly estimated employee income including reservation(s), example: 25000.00 |
Different special rate (optional) <AfwBijzTariefLH>
Value | Description |
percentage | the special rate percentage, example: 43.00 |
Vacation-vouchers <VakantieBonnen>
Value | Description |
0 | No Holiday Vouchers |
1 | Holiday Vouchers < 20 Holidays |
2 | Holiday Vouchers > 20 Holidays |
30% Arrangement <CodeCalc30PercRule>
Value | Description |
0 | None |
1 | Gross Deduction / Net Compensation |
2 | Reduced Salary / Net Compensation |