Customize your signals and emails

It is possible to change the text of the signals which go to the clients.

My Account


When you are the account owner, you will see 'My Account' in the top right corner.

Here, you can manage your account by adjusting your email messages and signal texts, for instance.

Email settings


Go to 'Email Settings' to adjust your signal texts.



Under the email settings are 2 tabs: Template and Email Footer. You adjust the signal texts in the Template tab.

On the left-hand side are the different signals which can be sent depending on your workflow & HR signal settings. To view and adjust this type of signal, click on the edit icon on the right hand side.

Adjusting templates


You can then adjust the template here. The data between the "$" symbol are variable data which are generated from Nmbrs®. This is called a token code. When you want to retain these data, you must not adjust this. The variable data also always retain their own font. The remainder of the texts can be freely adjusted.

At the bottom left you can choose to show the text in HTML. Here, you can then also adjust the texts.

Click on 'Save' after personalising your signal text.


- cutting and pasting from a Word file does not work properly, as the format gets (unnoticeably) transferred as well, which does not work with the templates. To prevent this, first paste the text in Notepad and copy the text from Notepad to the template.

Email Footer


On the second tab, you can personalise your Email Footer. This is the signature which is sent along with every signal. Similar to the signal texts, you can display and adjust the text in HTML. Also do not forget to click on 'Save' here.

Adding a logo to the footer is possible provided this logo is on an external website, so that you can refer to this logo in the footer. It is not possible to add an image directly.

The template with the footer which you have just created will from now on be sent along with the signals.

Undoing adjustments


When you have adjusted the template, you will see a grey arrow next to the template. When you click on this arrow, the old template will be restored. Your previous adjustments to the template will then be deleted.

Separate signals per debtor

Unfortunately, it is not possible in Nmbrs to create separate signals per client/debtor.
When you adjust a template, it will be applied to all clients in your environment.


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