An ID is an unique number which is not directly visible in the user interface. IDs are commonly used in the API service that Visma Nmbrs provides.
1. Is employee/company/debtor Number and ID the same?
No, the number is a numeric field that can be adjusted by users therefore should not be used as a unique field to identify employees and companies.
The ID is unique and should be used to identify employees and companies and debtors.
2. Retrieving an Employee ID
The employee IDs are not visible on the User Interface. These can be retrieved by call the API method List_GetByCompany or List_GetByDebtor. These methods will return a list of employee data including employee IDs.
List_GetByCompany returns all employees that belong to a company. ListGetByDebtor returns all employees that belong to a debtor. You will need to insert your username, token and CompanyId.
In the field <active> there are three options: active, notActive or all. Active employees are employees than have an active service interval in the current period of a company. Employees that are notActive are out of service or will be in service in the future comparing to the current period of the company.
If the request is a success you will get the Id, number and the display name of the employee.
3. Retrieving a company ID
The company IDs are not visible on the User Interface. These can be retrieved by call the API method List_GetAll or List_GetByDebtor. These methods will return a list of company data including company IDs.
List_GetAll returns all companies (which you have access to). You only need to insert your username and a token. If the test is a success you will get <ID> which is CompanyId. You will also get other information, see the API description of the response.
List_GetByDebtor returns companies that belong to a debtor. To successfully execute this call, you'll need to insert a debtor ID.
4. Retrieving a debtor ID
The same approach can be used to get Debtor IDs by number or all. Use method List_GetAll or List_GetByNumber.
List_GetAll returns all debtors (which you have access to). You only need to insert your username and a token. If the test is a success you will get <ID> which is DebtorId. You will also get other information, see the API description of the response.