When you want to set up an integration for several debtors from an accountant product we advise to create master accountant login. In case the integration is only meant for only one debtor, or in case of a Business product, we advise to create a client login. For more information on which user you can create for different purposes see Which user should I create for an integration?
There are API templates to limit the rights to certain API calls. These templates can be adjusted by the administrator user via the dashlet ‘template users’. With this templates an API user can only have access to certain calls that the client wants to. The administrator user is responsible for limiting the rights to this API calls. Please see API user template!
This article will explain first how to create a login and then how the user can get an API-token. The API token should be added in the Live environment. If you wish to use the API on Sandbox, you still need to add the token in the Live environment and the token will be valid in Sandbox the next day.
- How to create a login, for setting up an integration?
- How to get an API token as Admin account?
- How to add an API token to an (existing) user account?
How to create a login, for setting up an integration?
1. Go to master settings and in section Users click on Accountant login.
2. Create a new account with a template from Master Accountant.
Note: the dashlet rights of an user has no influence on the API rights. This user can still have access to all API methods on Employee, Company, Debtor and Single Sign On Service.
3. Send the activation e-mail. The user will receive an activation e-mail where he can set up a password for his login.
4. Depending on the filter settings the user will have API access to selected debtors. For more information about filter settings see Creating debtor tags.
How to get an API token?
Users with the type Master Accountant or Client login template in an Accountant product or Master Bedrijfslogin/Client from Business product have the option to perform this action.
Click on the profile icon in the upper right corner and choose "User profile".
Click to activate the API account.
Save or copy the username (email) and token. You are ready to start building the integration.Please go to https://api.nmbrs.nl to see which operations are supported by our API.
How to add an API token to an (existing) user account?
It is possible to add an API token to an (existing) user accounts on debtor level in the Live environment. If you wish to use the API on Sandbox, you need to add the token in the Live environment and the token will be valid in Sandbox the next day.
1. Go to debtor level and create client login.
Note: the templates rights of an user has no influence on the API rights. This user can still have access to api methods on Employee, Company, Debtor and Single Sign On Service.
2. Send the activation mail and then click on activation button.
3. Depending on the filter settings the user will have API access to selected companies.
4. Add an API token
Save or copy the username (email) and token. You are ready to start building the integration. You can now browse to https://api.nmbrs.nl to start using the API.