Visma Nmbrs contains many types of wage and hour codes. This article describes a simple way to view all these wage and hour codes and see how they work.
This can be useful if you're looking for a wage code for a deduction or overtime hours, for example.
Difference between hour codes and wage codes
Hour codes:
- are added in the hour model;
- are entered in the Extra Hours/Days dashlet;;
- are calculated with the number of hours; e.g. X number of hours multiplied by hourly wage (system does the calculation).
Wage codes:
- are added in the wage model;;
- are entered in the Wage components dashlet;
- are calculated with values, e.g. bonus: XXX euro (a 'hard' value; system leaves it unchanged).
At the master level, the System wage codes and system hour codes can be found under System settings:
Example: deduction of lunch expenses on a wage code:
(The description below applies also to searches within hour codes.)
You can use the filter to enter the type of wage code you're searching for.
You also have the option of searching in this screen (e.g. 'lunch' or 'deduction') by pressing the Ctrl and F buttons (= search) on the keyboard at the same time.
When you click on a wage code you'll see the details of this wage code on the right, such as the following: what type; is it a net or gross code; can it be used as a fixed or variable wage component?
The default wage code category is also shown here. This can be adjusted in your own wage model.
After you've found the correct wage code, you can remember the number and add it to the wage model that you use for the company.
This wage code can then be used for the employees.
How the hour codes and output wage code work
Under the system hour codes, you can also see whether they are included in hours worked, industry sector or leave structure, for example, as well as what the output wage code is. (This is the wage code that comes up on the payslip for the employee and is important when you want to modify the description or the fixed value; you do this via the output wage code.)
The boxes with a tick indicate where the hour codes are included.
These ones can therefore not be ticked/unticked.
Can't find a wage code using a particular search term?
Visma Nmbrs includes a lot of wage codes. Unfortunately, we're not able to add every specific name. For this reason, Visma Nmbrs offers the option of changing the description and some operations.
Is there still some way of obtaining a desired wage code/operation? In this case, you can have a particular wage code created on request. This requires that what you're after is really not possible using the current wage codes!
Note: The wage components are numbered from 1000 to 9999. You can use these numbers when importing wage components. In addition, the number itself tells you a lot:
1000 to 3999 are taxed bonuses/allowances and deductions.
4000 to 4999 are taxed hours (such as payment of holiday hours)
5000 to 5399 are tax-free allowances and deductions
5400 to 5999 are special salary components such as salary savings, lease car, etc.
6000 to 7000 are pension and other sector components.