With the Visma Nmbrs free trial, you can use all the functionalities in Visma Nmbrs for 30 days for free.
Depending on the preferred use, click on the 'Business' or 'Accountant' header on the homepage, followed by 'Try now for free':
In the following screen, enter the requested information. Then click on 'Start Free Trial':
Check 'include company demo' if applicable. Demo companies are companies set up by Nmbrs that you can use to test out features.
From the free trial environment you can send notifications to clients or employees, but you can not make journal entries or send wage tax declarations and pension exports. If you purchase Visma Nmbrs you can, of course, send the documents and journal entries that you have created.
If you would like more information about Visma Nmbrs and our software options after requesting the free trial, you can contact our sales department at any time at phone number 085-888 9961.