In this article we try to inform you as good as possible about our GDPR tool. You will find the following subjects. Just click on the subject to jump directly to it.


Who is able to use the tool?

This tool is available for Accountant and Business environments. The following templates have the rights to this feature:

Accountant environment:
Administrator (met debiteurenbeheer)

Business environment:
Administrator Gebruiker


How do I set up and use the GDPR tool?

To use the GDPR tool you can follow the steps below.
1. Activate the tool in your template via Template Users on Masterlevel

Tip: Click on the image to expand.loading.gif

2. Go to 'Settings' on the highest level of the application.
3. Open the GDPR Tool
4. Select a debtor of your choice
5. Select the employees you want to process.
6. Press 'Next'
7. Check the data and press 'Plan deletion' to start the deletion process. This deletion will be proccesed in the next 24 hours.


Data per Employee Type

Nmbrs provides different employee types. For the types Former Payroll, Former External or Rejected Applicants, you are able to see if you are compliant and if data needs to be deleted. Each type has specific data which will be removed with this tool.


Click on one of the following types to see the data matrix of the specific type.


For the type 'Former Payroll Employee' the following data types are available:

2 Years Employee Development
2 Years Application
2 Years Personeel File
2 Years Illness
2 Years Others
5 Years Personal Data
5 Years Taxes Statements
5 Years Others
7 Years Contract Info
7 Years Finance Info
7 Years Employee Identity
7 Years Others

To see which specific dashlets and content are linked to this data types you can see this article.


For the type former external the following data types are available

0 Day Application & Identity

To see which specific dashlets and content are linked to this data types you can see this article.


For the type Rejected Applicant the following data types are available

1 Month Application & Identity
1 Year Application & Identity

To see which specific dashlets and content are linked to this data types you can see this article.


What should I know about this GDPR tool?

  • Only Former Payroll, Former External and Rejected Applicants will be considered to be picked by the wizard. When an employee is out of service but the type is not changed to 'Former Payroll Employee', the employee will not be picked by the tool.
  • To see if the types expired the retention period (and how many days), we calculate based on out of service date for former payroll employees. For former External and Rejected Apllicants we base this calculation on the employee type change date.
  • Deleting the data is not in sync with performing the action, it will be executed in the upcoming 24 hours.
  • When an action is planned, this action can't be reverted. 


How is Nmbrs calculating the 'Not compliant' days?

We calculate the 'Not compliant' days on the following formula:

Current date - (Out of service date + retention years) = Not compliant days

Example 2 years

An employee is out of service on 28/02/2014
When the retention period is 2 years, the compliant date is 28/02/2016
The current date is 16/04/2019
The amount of not compliant days is 1143

Out of service: Retention Period Retation date Current date Days not compliant
28/02/2014 2 years 28/02/2016 16/04/2019 1143

Example 5 years

An employee is out of service on 28/02/2014
When the retention period is 5 years, the compliant date is 27/02/2019
The current date is 16/04/2019
The amount of not compliant days is 48 
Out of service: Retention Period Retation date Current date Days not compliant
28/02/2014 5 years 27/02/2019 16/04/2019 48


Important to know! 
This calculation is being used for Former Payroll Employees. For the types 'Former External' and 'Rejected Applicants, we use the date of type change in this calculation.

Example Former External

An employee with the type 'External' is changed to the type 'Former External' on 28/02/2019
The retention period is 0 days, the compliant date is 28/02/2019
The current date is 16/04/2019
The amount of not compliant days is 47

Example Rejected Applicant

An employee with the type 'Applicant' is changed to the type 'Rejected Applicant' on 28/02/2019
When the retention period is 1 month, the compliant date is 30/03/2019
The current date is 29/04/2019
The amount of not compliant days is 30






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