Converting Visma Nmbrs to Visma Nmbrs

This article describes the options and limitations when converting from one Visma Nmbrs environment to another Visma Nmbrs environment.

There are various reasons to transfer from one Visma Nmbrs environment to another. It might be, for example, that you are taking over customers from another accountant or that you are starting your own environment after being serviced by an accountant.  

First things first, it is not possible for us to transfer your data from one database to another. As explained below, a conversion is done on the basis of an export of our standard template.

Also, exported data is always the current data. The history will not be exported. This is also not necessary. It is easy and free of costs for an accountant to give access to an ex-customer to view documents. Another option is to give the ex-customer the option to process corrections in previous years him- or herself (scenario 3).


There are different levels at which you can export data in the standard template.

Exportable data per level:

Global export (highest level - only for accountant environments)

  • Debtor data
  • Company data
  • Employee data
  • Departments
  • Functions
  • Personnel (managers)
  • Cost centers
  • Fixed wage components (per employee per period)
  • Variable wage components (per employee per period)
  • Branches (per employee per scheme)

Export debtor

  • Company data
  • Employee data
  • Employee HR data
  • Departments
  • Functions
  • Personnel (managers)
  • Cost centers
  • Fixed wage components (per employee per period)
  • Variable wage components (per employee per period)
  • Industries (per employee per scheme)
  • Leave (requests per employee)
  • Fixed cost distribution (per employee per period)
  • Cost distribution wage components (per employee per period)

Company export

  • Employee data
  • Employee HR data
  • Cost centers
  • Fixed wage components
  • Variable wage components
  • Industries (per employee per scheme)
  • Leave (requests per employee)
  • Fixed cost distribution (per employee per period)
  • Cost distribution wage components (per employee per period)


The exported data can be imported into the new environment:

Other data

The remaining data cannot be exported from the Visma Nmbrs environment via the standard template and has to be added manually. This concerns (for example) the following data:

  • All calculated data, such as run output, journal entries, etc.
  • All physical documents, such as pay slips, journal entries, uploaded documents, etc.
  • All contracts including history
  • All logins, these must be recreated in the new environment.
  • All lease cars at debtor level including history (the lease car is exported per employee)
  • All HR data, such as absenteeism, benefits, extra fields etc.
  • All cumulatives
  • All wage models, hour models, own branches, own general ledger schems, own salary tables and created workflow settings
  • All pension export settings (per employee)
  • All company wage components
  • All mutation forms
  • All default employees
  • All debtor templates
  • All action points
  • All tags at master level

NOTE: The above data must be added manually. This can be a time consuming effort, so it’s worth considering possible the alternatives. It might be possible, for example, to take over the old environment or gain and keep access in another way. At least for the history.



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