Retroactive correction in the previous years (Cash principle)

This article is specifically for companies with cash principle. All Nmbrs Sweden users have companies with Cash principle. Here is an article if you don't have cash principle. 
To process a correction in a previous year, you first have to change the active year. The procedure is described below. If you do not change the active year, no correction will be included with the next run in the current year. Each year must be corrected separately.
Please note when you change the salary, time schedule or tax settings in a previous year and payments continue into the current year, these settings will also be corrected for the current year. If you've already run periods in the current year and want the new changes to apply for these periods you need to process a correction for the current year. See Correction run (Sweden)

Steps for performing changes in previous years

Below are the steps to do a correction run in previous years.

  1. Company settings
  2. Change the active year
  3. Change the period
  4. Select the period
  5. Click on the padlock
  6. Change the details
  7. Payroll run

Company settings

  1. Go to the 'Explorer' tab.
  2.  Go to the company.
  3. Go to the 'Start' tab.
  4. Click on 'More' in the 'Company Settings' dashlet.


Click on 'Edit'.


Change the active year


Change the active year to the year for which the correction has to be made. Click on 'Save'.

Please note: You should only change the active year here. You change the period in the top right corner (next step).


Change the period


Go to the company or the employee for which/whom you have to change information. Click on the period picker to change this.

Select the period


Select the correct period from when the changes should apply.

Click on the padlock


Click on the padlock to go into the unsecured mode.

Change the details


Enter the correction/change/adjustment for the company or the employee.

Payroll run

  1. Go to the company.
  2. Go to the 'Payroll Processing' tab.
  3. Go to the 'Run' dashlet and click on 'More'.




Click on 'Run'.


Payroll Run


Now run the retroactive run by clicking on 'Continue'.

Note that the payment period is the current period of the company. Taxes and social securities will be deducted on payslip and reported in the Wage tax declaration in the payment period. In this example the payment period is 2021-1. 


Wage tax declaration

Depending on the payment period for the retroactive correction run the taxes and social securities will be included in that periods Wage Tax Declaration.

When you are done with changes in previous year

When you have done all of the necessary steps to change something in a previous year you have to follow below steps.

  1. Company settings
  2. Edit
  3. Change the active year and the period


Company settings


1. Go back to the 'Start' tab at company level.

2. Click on 'More' in the 'Company Settings' dashlet.




Click on 'Edit'.


Change the active year and the period

  1. Change the active year back to the current year.
  2. Click on 'Save'.


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