Dashlet Salary documents
1. Go to the 'Explorer' tab.
2. Go to the company level.
3. Click the Start tab or Payroll Run.
4. Click on 'More' in the 'Payroll Documents' dashlet.
Viewing salary documents

Here you can view the documents of different periods; you can open the documents by clicking on the title.
When you want to see more payroll documents, click on 'Change visible documents'.
Changing visible documents

1. Click on the documents you want to view in the Payroll Documents dashlet. You can also untick the documents that you do not want to view.
2. Click on Save.
3. You will then see the visible documents displayed among the visible payroll documents.
Overview of Available Salary documents
- Payment list
- Cumulative payment list
- Sector Overview
- Cumulative Sector Overview
- Internal values
- Journal entries department
- Journal entries department cumulative
- Journal entries company
- Journal entries company cumulative
- Journal entries Cost Centre / Cost Dr
- Journal entries cost centre
- Journal entries cost centre cumulative
- Journal entries employee
- Journal entries employee cumulative
- Wage tax declaration overview
- Wage tax declaration overview cumulative
- Wage components Company
- Wage components Company cumulative
- Pay statement
- Pay statement all employees
- Payslips
- Payslips employer
- Run Control
- Payment file
- Status register per wage component
- Status register per employee
- Cumulative pay statement
- Cumulative pay statement cumulative
Saving Salary Documents to File Manager.
You can save all payroll documents under File Manager. From the File Manager you can download the payroll documents per run to a .zip file. It is also possible to upload documents in File Management and create new folders here.
Go to the Salary Documents dashlet and click 'Save'.

Select the run you wish to save.
When the documents are saved, you will receive a message.
Open the File Manager dashlet on the start page of the company level or go to the File Manager via Company Settings. You can download the folder here.
It is also possible to upload files or create a new folder.
Which documents from the run are saved in the File Manager?
The following documents are saved in a .zip file in the File Manager:
- Payment list
- Journal entries company
- Payslips
- Payslips employer
- Cumulative pay statement