Forcing a retro active run

When you want to run a correction for all your employees because you have, for instance, changed a sector regulation or a reservation which does not automatically create a retroactive run, you have to force a retroactive run. When you force a retroactive run for the entire company, all employees are included in this correction.

When you want to force a retroactive run for a single employee, this can also be done, of course. In that case, follow the step-by-step plan below at employee level instead of at company level.

Adjust period


First of all, you have to reset the period to the period from when the correction has to be executed. This is, for instance, for modifications in sector regulations mostly in period 1.

Adjust current period


In this screen you reset the current period. All corrections that you enter here will be implemented in this period (or from this period).

Unsecured mode


Click on the padlock to open the unsecured mode. When you are in unsecured mode, this means that you can make corrections in an already processed period.

Company wage components


When you want to force a retroactive run for a single employee, you can add a variable wage component at employee level.

If you want to add a wage component at company level to force the correction run you can do this by going to "Fast input" on company Level . When you add a variable company wage component, you force the retroactive run for the entire company.





If you are on Employee level, select a wage code you do not use and assign the value 0 to it. In that case, no calculations are done and no costs are journalised.



Execute a payroll run.

Retroactive periods


You can select to include this correction run with the next period run. You can also select to execute this run separately. In that case, select the option 'Run retroactive period(s) only'. Check also the Retroactive Periods, here you find all periods you are now going to correct.

Then process the run as usual.


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