Company settings

1. Go to the 'Explorer' tab.
2. Go to the company.
3. Go to the 'Start' tab.
4. Click on 'More' in the 'Company Settings' dashlet.

Click on 'Edit'.
Change the active year

Change the active year to the year for which the correction has to be made. Click on 'Save'.
Please note: You should only change the active year here. You can change the period in the top right corner (in the place where you do this with a regular retrospective run) :
Change the period

Go to the company or the employee for which/whom you have to change information. Click on the current period to change this.
Select the period

Select the correct period in which you want to make a retrospective correction.
Click on the padlock

Click on the padlock to go into the unsecured mode.
Change the details

Enter the correction/change/adjustment for the company or the employee.
Payroll run

1. Go to the company.
2. Go to the 'Payroll Processing' tab.
3. Go to the 'Run' dashlet and click on 'More'.

Click on 'Run'.
Payroll Run

Now run the retroactive run only by clicking on 'Continue'.
Wage tax declaration

Via the 'Start' tab, go to the 'Wage tax declaration' dashlet and click on 'More'.
Select the year

Select the previous year.
New wage tax declaration

Click on 'Wage tax declaration'.
Create Wage tax declaration

Here you see an overview of the changes in the Wage tax declaration. Click on 'Create Wage tax declaration'.
Select the year again

Select the previous year again.
Company settings

1. Go back to the 'Start' tab at company level.
2. Click on 'More' in the 'Company Settings' dashlet.

Click on 'Edit'.
Change the year and the period

1. Change the active year to the current year.
2. Change the current period to the current period with which you started before resetting the year.
3. Click on 'Save'.