You can add comments to debtors, companies and employees. You can, for instance, create overviews of these comments.
This page describes how you can add these comments and how you can create an overview of them.
Please note: only the user who added this comment can remove it, if necessary. Furthermore, certain functions described in this article are only available for accountant environments!
Adding comments

You can add comments at debtor level, company level and employee level. You can do this using the speech bubble button at debtor level, company level and employee level. A new dashlet has also been created for these comments at company and employee level.

Add a comment. There is no limit to the number of characters that can be added in the comments field.

An overview of the comments is shown at each level. This can be found in the 'Comments' dashlet. The comments are sorted by level (Debtor, Company and Employee) and thereafter in alphabetical order.
In this dashlet you can, for instance, adjust comments by clicking on them.
A distinction is made here between active and archived comments. You can create reports of active comments, these are then displayed at the workflow and in the wizard. You can also create reports of archived comments, although these are not displayed in the workflows and the wizards.
1. Here you can filter on the types of comments. These are active comments and archived comments and you can also indicate that you want to see all comments.
2. Here you can see when this comment was created and who created the comment.
3. Here you can archive the comment.
4. Here you can delete the comment.
Comments in the workflow and wizards
At all three available levels, you can see the number of active comments of the current period at next to the speech bubble button.

You can see the comments when you have clicked on comments in the workflow or in the wizard.
You cannot open these comments, but you can retrieve them at several levels:
- Workflow Master level or Company level, via the 'Payroll run' tab
- Workflow tab
- Wizard Workflow company run
- Wizard Workflow work period
- Wizard Workflow Wage tax declaration
- Wizard Workflow Pension export