How do I log in to the mobile app?

This article provides step-by-step instructions for logging into the mobile app. 

Step 1: Enter your domain (what do I enter in the domain?)

In Nmbrs®, a domain is used to log in in the payroll environment. This is the domain which is also used to reach the application in the browser.

Do you not know what the domain of your payroll is because you do not have an account yet? Please contact your payroll administration or visit this page.

Step 2: Enter login details

You can log in with a combination of the email address and password or via Google Sign-In.

It is important for this step that you have an employee login in the web application. If you do not have an employee login yet, it is imperative that you contact your salary administrator. Only your payroll administrator create an employee login.

Please note: if you have an employee login for several companies (within the same domain) you must choose one of the companies. Switching between companies can be done by logging out and logging in again.


Step 3: Two-step authentication

In the mobile app it is mandatory to authorize your account with two-step authentication (also known as two-factor authentication). This is only necessary when logging in for the first time. After entering your details, an email will be sent to your email address and asked to enter the code in the email in the mobile app.



Step 4: Verification

The last step of the login process concerns a verification. This verification can be completed in three different ways:

  • Setting a PIN
  • Touch-ID (fingerprint recognition)
  • Face-ID (face recognition)



You can now use the Nmbrs® app

Once you have completed the above steps, you can start using the mobile application. The payroll determines which functionalities are available.


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