Creating a general ledger account scheme

This article deals with creating and applying the general ledger account schemes.

Update: There is a new filter available for the tab 'wage codes'. See step 5 for more information.

Note for accountants: When you create a general ledger account scheme on the settings tab at Master level, the general ledger account scheme becomes available for all debtors. In that case, all your clients would be able to see and/or notice any modifications. If you want to adjust a general ledger account scheme for one debtor only, you can create a general ledger account scheme at debtor level.

(This note is not applicable to Business clients)


Options when creating an individual scheme

Visma Nmbrs contains a standard general ledger account schemes:

  • [At Master level under 'System payroll Settings'] General ledger scheme (compact)


This general ledger scheme can be used for the journal entries.

In addition, it is possible to create an individual general ledger scheme under the 'Master Payroll Settings'. You then have three options:

1. Copying General Ledger Rules

When creating a new individual scheme, we recommend that you copy the rules (general ledger accounts) from the standard scheme which Visma Nmbrs has available. If you copy the rules, you can adjust all general ledger accounts and wage codes after copying.


2. Linking General Ledger rules

If you link GL rules from the general ledger accounts to another / Master general ledger account scheme you cannot adjust wage codes or delete general ledger accounts, but general ledger numbers can be adjusted. An adjustment in the general ledger account scheme of which the rules are linked automatically generates the same adjustment in the new general ledger account scheme.


3. Starting with an empty scheme

Of course, you can also start with a completely empty scheme, but it is rather time-consuming to add all required wage codes and general ledger accounts. In this case, it is more convenient to copy and customise the standard scheme 'Standard account scheme (compact)'. See item 1.


Adding a new scheme

1. To create a new general ledger account scheme, go to tab Settings (1) and click on 'General Ledger Account Scheme' under 'Master Salary Settings' (2):

2. Click on 'Add New Scheme':



3. Enter the name of the new scheme, copy, if required, the rules of an existing account scheme and click on 'Save':



General ledger accounts and wage codes  

4. Click on the 'General Ledger Account' tab(1) and select a scheme (2). To create a new general ledger account, click on 'Add General Ledger Account' (3). It is also possible to adjust an existing general ledger account by clicking on this.

When adding a line: enter the number of the new or changed line and a description and then click on 'Save'. It is possible to fill in these fields alphanumerically. For instance, A1700.


5. Click on the 'Wage Codes' tab, select the correct scheme and wage model. Use the filter to select specific wage codes or all if needed. If you filter on Wage model then it shows the selected wage codes for that specific Wage model. If you can't find a wage code, choose to filter on Master Wage Model in the Wage model filter. The filter also allows to filter on debit or credit accounts. Choose the 'all' option if you want to load all the options.



6. Select the required debit and credit numbers and click on 'Save':


Linking a schedule to a company

1. Via the 'Explorer' tab, go to Company level (1) and click on the menu button (2) at the top right of the screen. Then click on 'Ledger Scheme' (3) under the category 'Salary Settings':

Please note: When you have created a general ledger account scheme and you want to link it retrospectively, you have to change the period first and open the lock (3).
2. Select the required general ledger scheme and click on 'Save':

The new scheme has now been linked to the company.


Updating journal entries

The existing journal entries are still linked to the old schedule. To correct this and to apply the adjusted general ledger account numbers retrospectively, go to 'General -> Company Settings' at company level via the menu button and click on 'Delete content journal entries'.


The current journal entries will be deleted and new journal entries, based on the new scheme, will be created automatically.


Applying changes in the General ledger scheme

When adjustments are made in a general ledger account scheme which is already operational, or another scheme is selected in a previous period at company level, it affects the journal entries. To display the actual adjustments in the journal entries, these have to be recalculated.

For the above reason, journal entries are marked as inconsistent when an adjustment is made in a general ledger account scheme. This marking results in the recalculation of the journal entries when they are opened in the salary documents or when a run is done.

For more information, see the article: Applying adjustments in the General ledger account scheme




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