When you have this page in front of you, you are probably using the mobile app from Nmbrs. Congratulations! It can of course be that you run into a problem. In this article we have listed the most common problems for you. Click on one of the topics to immediately open the problem.
1. An incorrect domain was used
CauseAn incorrect domain has been given in. If this is true, the following error will appear:
In Nmbrs® a domain is used to log in to the payroll administration environment, for example nlpayroll.nmbrs.nl. This is the domain that is also used to reach the application in the browser.
If you don't know what the domain of your payroll environment is, have a look at this page.
You can enter your email address via 'I have forgotten my sub domain name'. The domain name will then be send by email to you.
2. Not able to select a country
CauseYou cannot use the Nmbrs app offline. When 'Mobile data' is switched off for the use of the Nmbrs app and you are not on a WiFi network, certain settings cannot be loaded in the app.
You can scroll down via 'Settings' in iOS. The specific apps are displayed here. Open the Nmbrs app and check the 'Mobile data' setting. When this setting is off, the problem may occur.
You can solve this problem by switching on 'Mobile Data' for the Nmbrs app, or connect your phone to a WiFi network.
3. Error. Invalid user!
If you do not yet have an account within the domain of your payroll administrator, you can unfortunately not yet log in with the mobile app. Requesting a new password is also not possible.
Find out:
If this is the case, your screen will show this error:
Of course you also want to view your pay slip via the mobile app! So please contact your employer. He can take the necessary actions to provide you with a Nmbrs account.