System requirements

Before you commence, you have to check a number of items to guarantee the correct operation of the system. In some cases, you may need to consult with your admin or with your organisation's system administrator.

Because the system can only be used via a web browser, it is dependent on the typical characteristics of that browser. This means that the system may not always operate in a way that you are accustomed to in other (Windows) apps.

E-mail account

To create a user account for access to the system, an email address is mandatory.

Web browser

Your computer must have a web browser. The table below shows the minimum version required for the most commonly used browsers:

Browser Minimum version
Mozilla Firefox 31
Google Chrome 49
Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE)  11
Microsoft Edge 13
Apple Safari 7

You can use a PC, an Apple MacBook or iPad (recommended: landscape orientation).

Your browser must support 128-bit encryption. On the Microsoft site (via Windows Update) you can find the necessary updates. When you can log into the system the encryption works properly.

Screen resolution

The screen resolution can best be set to 1280 x 1024 pixels. We recommend 1280 x 800 pixels as the minimum resolution (standard 15.6" screen). You can configure the screen by clicking the right mouse button on your desktop and selecting 'Properties'. This opens the settings of your screen. You can then configure the screen resolution in the last tab.

Internet connection

For optimal use of Visma Nmbrs we recommend a cable/ADSL connection and an internet speed higher than 15 mpb. If several persons make use of this connection, the internet speed must be higher than this.
Run the Speed test to verify your internet speed. 

Computer memory & processor

As Visma Nmbrs is a web-based application, the operation is usually not dependant on the quality of your computer or laptop. To verify this you can run the Internal Performance Test.

Network & firewall

The network security (the firewall, for instance) has to allow communication over port 443 for Secured Sockets Layer (SSL) traffic. This is almost always the case.

Opening PDF files

To consult reports you do not need additional software. When you want to view generated reports in the correct format or want to share them with others, you can save the report in PDF format. In this case, you need a PDF reader like Adobe Acrobat Reader. This is freely available from the Adobe website.

Citrix, Multrix, or Terminal Services

Your organisation may use an ICT environment based on Citrix, Multrix or Terminal Services. This way all software, including the browser, does not run on your local computer but on a server. This may lead to consequences for the performance experienced in Nmbrs. In case of problems like these, we recommend that you run a number of performance-related tests with your internal systems administrator. 

Proxy server

Your company may use a proxy server. In that case, we strongly recommend disabling caching for Visma Nmbrs, as we are unable to guarantee the correct operation of Visma Nmbrs in combination with caching.



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